Message Forum


  • check your stats! View
      by procrstinator on December 13, 2006 at 19:28:12 PST

    have you checked your stats lately ? im a newby here ,first tour i play and some funny business,i was told i won tourney and td reported different
    • check your stats! View
        by Freedomride6 on January 3, 2009 at 07:51:27 PST

      have you checked your stats lately ? im a newby here ,first tour i play and some funny business,i was told i won tourney and td reported different

    • check your stats! View
        by felicia on June 21, 2008 at 17:49:40 PDT

      have you checked your stats lately ? im a newby here ,first tour i play and some funny business,i was told i won tourney and td reported different
      one thing i can say is no one is perfect and people make mistakes give the league a chance to make it up to u
    • Re: check your stats! View
        by TurkTplayer on December 14, 2006 at 11:05:37 PST

      : have you checked your stats lately ? im a newby here ,first tour i play and some funny business,i was told i won tourney and td reported different

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