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  • Withdraw View
      by TisMeDeeDee1 on February 7, 2011 at 21:14:54 PST

    Suzanne You know what you are doing You do not like me and you are playing drama games, I come into the room say Hi to you as many as 3x and you NEVER acknowledge me. You sat there tonite and watched everything I typed in, and after all this time with me making friends in the room had the nerve to call me hun! You can not pick and chose who wants to bowl I was having a great time with EVERYONE no problems with anyone. Maybe you should check our jealousy and think its about time to withdraw as head admin, as you have become a person that picks and chooses
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        by countrygirl35tn on February 9, 2011 at 20:42:18 PST

      Well its like this i'm not much for jumping into drama but at this time i'm going to,to tell you deedee Suz is not and well not be stepping down or anything of that sort,Suz has never been rude to anyone that has not ask for it and if she was rude to you i would understand why cause you are a drama queen and we don't need or want drama queens like you on our gr8 league so you have withdrawed so you have a great day and don't woory about Suz or the 69ers we are awsome
    • Withdraw View
        by countryboy46tn on February 9, 2011 at 17:21:05 PST

      Dee Dee you are very mistaken about suz she wasn't in the room that night and red and I both tried to tell you that ,yes she was parked but not there and you were the one spoiling for drama
      I know suz and she hes never been rude to anyone who hadn't been asking for it and she is the best ha I have known maybe you need to grow up some and realize whets really going on around you !
    • Re: Withdraw View
        by suzanne152blue on February 9, 2011 at 14:50:48 PST

      : Suzanne You know what you are doing You do not like me and you are playing drama games, I come into the room say Hi to you as many as 3x and you NEVER acknowledge me. You sat there tonite and watched everything I typed in, and after all this time with me making friends in the room had the nerve to call me hun! You can not pick and chose who wants to bowl I was having a great time with EVERYONE no problems with anyone. Maybe you should check our jealousy and think its about time to withdraw as head admin, as you have become a person that picks and chooses

      Hello Dee, i'm sorry, I really don't know what I did to make you that angry with me. I try to say hello to everybody who comes into the room but if i missed you yesterday, i apologize. Quite often, my name will be in the room, but I will be away from the computer. I have always been nice to
      you, always answered all your questions, i have never been mean to you in any way. I do not treat any member differently, I respect all members of this league.

      As for me being jealous, I don't know what that means, what would I have to be jealous about? I have everything I want in my life. Suzanne

    • Withdraw View
        by reddrumtwo on February 9, 2011 at 11:46:08 PST

      Suzanne You know what you are doing You do not like me and you are playing drama games, I come into the room say Hi to you as many as 3x and you NEVER acknowledge me. You sat there tonite and watched everything I typed in, and after all this time with me making friends in the room had the nerve to call me hun! You can not pick and chose who wants to bowl I was having a great time with EVERYONE no problems with anyone. Maybe you should check our jealousy and think its about time to withdraw as head admin, as you have become a person that picks and chooses

    • Withdraw View
        by reddrumtwo on February 8, 2011 at 22:10:32 PST

      Suzanne You know what you are doing You do not like me and you are playing drama games, I come into the room say Hi to you as many as 3x and you NEVER acknowledge me. You sat there tonite and watched everything I typed in, and after all this time with me making friends in the room had the nerve to call me hun! You can not pick and chose who wants to bowl I was having a great time with EVERYONE no problems with anyone. Maybe you should check our jealousy and think its about time to withdraw as head admin, as you have become a person that picks and chooses

      • Withdraw View
          by reddrumtwo on February 8, 2011 at 22:11:07 PST

        Suzanne You know what you are doing You do not like me and you are playing drama games, I come into the room say Hi to you as many as 3x and you NEVER acknowledge me. You sat there tonite and watched everything I typed in, and after all this time with me making friends in the room had the nerve to call me hun! You can not pick and chose who wants to bowl I was having a great time with EVERYONE no problems with anyone. Maybe you should check our jealousy and think its about time to withdraw as head admin, as you have become a person that picks and chooses

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