DICE DEMONS (alldoubles)


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Rank  (To find unranked users, use the filter 'Rank is 0')

The current leaderboard contains 71 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
51 mia_beth  1 4 1437 20.000% 0 173d 11 100.0% 1310 510 41 1533 1
52 Gemini671  91 70 1636 56.522% 0 97d 8 83.2% 81301 75610 2 1705 9
53 babibear  26 39 1472 40.000% 0 116d 8 78.5% 2054 1304 6 1633 6
54 Lei  410 289 1786 58.655% 0 322d 7 47.8% 20238 28368 1 1841 11
55 tough  331 289 1536 53.387% 0 145d 11 69.0% 160511 124901 1 1700 7
56 Blazer  5 13 1366 27.778% 0 142d 16 88.9% 1100 500 15 1542 2
57 Sept48  16 24 1449 40.000% 0 185d 10 95.0% 2006 966 3 1654 5
58 Khaos  57 62 1481 47.899% 0 219d 11 79.8% 11851 10801 4 1646 8
59 vitagal  1 3 1433 25.000% 0 116d 13 100.0% 1990 590 46 1489 1
60 _RT  23 54 1324 29.870% 0 157d 12 92.2% 1581 841 13 1597 5
61 Prime81  18 40 1441 31.035% 0 297d 11 91.4% 2052 732 8 1533 4
62 _Ann_  2187 2328 1637 48.438% 0 332d 10 60.6% 299309 283743 1 1742 15
63 Isabel  18 24 1452 42.857% 0 142d 12 81.0% 3251 1191 6 1641 4
64 justin2it  584 720 1467 44.785% 0 185d 9 66.0% 44110 54740 2 1681 10
65 stephanie  52 41 1575 55.914% 0 229d 10 74.2% 5138 3828 2 1756 8
66 chuck604  430 381 1581 53.021% 0 219d 10 70.7% 58211 62961 1 1793 10
67 chat.error  36 24 1606 60.000% 0 157d 7 85.0% 4067 5027 2 1853 6
68 LeOpard  156 109 1586 58.868% 0 266d 11 66.0% 35480 32330 2 1756 8
69 kimmi  14 46 1227 23.333% 0 157d 12 93.3% 1254 794 11 1547 3
70 Don  19 17 1564 52.778% 0 229d 6 91.7% 2366 946 4 1650 5
71 James_  3 10 1385 23.077% 0 329d 15 100.0% 1890 750 21 1538 1

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