Canasta (canasta)

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  • ppaw View
      by prof1 on March 30, 2015 at 16:42:07 PDT

    ppaw had major brain surgery yesterday. He had a couple of falls and there was fluid on the brain. He used to play this game until last summer when we were told prof1 and ppaw could not play each other anymore because we know each other. We have our own homes and we live 300 miles apart.

    Regardless your hugs, prayers and well wishes would be greatly appreciated and perhaps if things if he recovers he can return to a game he loves; case ladder canasta.

    • test View
        by Zovaraxx on October 27, 2015 at 06:10:13 PDT

      : ppaw had major brain surgery yesterday. He had a couple of falls and there was fluid on the brain. He used to play this game until last summer when we were told prof1 and ppaw could not play each other anymore because we know each other. We have our own homes and we live 300 miles apart.

      : Regardless your hugs, prayers and well wishes would be greatly appreciated and perhaps if things if he recovers he can return to a game he loves; case ladder canasta.

      • retry View
          by Zovaraxx on October 27, 2015 at 06:22:54 PDT


        : : ppaw had major brain surgery yesterday. He had a couple of falls and there was fluid on the brain. He used to play this game until last summer when we were told prof1 and ppaw could not play each other anymore because we know each other. We have our own homes and we live 300 miles apart.

        : : Regardless your hugs, prayers and well wishes would be greatly appreciated and perhaps if things if he recovers he can return to a game he loves; case ladder canasta.

        • forum View
            by Zovaraxx on October 29, 2015 at 07:30:51 PDT

          : retry

          : : : ppaw had major brain surgery yesterday. He had a couple of falls and there was fluid on the brain. He used to play this game until last summer when we were told prof1 and ppaw could not play each other anymore because we know each other. We have our own homes and we live 300 miles apart.

          : : : Regardless your hugs, prayers and well wishes would be greatly appreciated and perhaps if things if he recovers he can return to a game he loves; case ladder canasta.

    • test View
        by Zovaraxx on October 27, 2015 at 06:10:12 PDT

      : ppaw had major brain surgery yesterday. He had a couple of falls and there was fluid on the brain. He used to play this game until last summer when we were told prof1 and ppaw could not play each other anymore because we know each other. We have our own homes and we live 300 miles apart.

      : Regardless your hugs, prayers and well wishes would be greatly appreciated and perhaps if things if he recovers he can return to a game he loves; case ladder canasta.

    • Re: ppaw View
        by Charles on April 5, 2015 at 12:01:54 PDT

      Sorry for the late reply to your message Prof1..

      I pray that PPaw will do well with the surgery.

      I always enjoyed our games, and he was a great fella to chat with.

      Maybe one day I can finally make it into the new game, and he will be up and about and we can play a few more hands.

      Take care now my friend.

      Your Friend,
      I Cor. 13

    • Re: ppaw View
        by toni19022 on April 4, 2015 at 19:24:44 PDT

      : ppaw had major brain surgery yesterday. He had a couple of falls and there was fluid on the brain. He used to play this game until last summer when we were told prof1 and ppaw could not play each other anymore because we know each other. We have our own homes and we live 300 miles apart.

      : Regardless your hugs, prayers and well wishes would be greatly appreciated and perhaps if things if he recovers he can return to a game he loves; case ladder canasta.

      • Re: ppaw View
          by toni19022 on April 4, 2015 at 19:25:09 PDT

        : : ppaw had major brain surgery yesterday. He had a couple of falls and there was fluid on the brain. He used to play this game until last summer when we were told prof1 and ppaw could not play each other anymore because we know each other. We have our own homes and we live 300 miles apart.

        : : Regardless your hugs, prayers and well wishes would be greatly appreciated and perhaps if things if he recovers he can return to a game he loves; case ladder canasta.

        • Re: ppaw View
            by toni19022 on April 4, 2015 at 19:25:42 PDT

          : : : ppaw had major brain surgery yesterday. He had a couple of falls and there was fluid on the brain. He used to play this game until last summer when we were told prof1 and ppaw could not play each other anymore because we know each other. We have our own homes and we live 300 miles apart.

          : : : Regardless your hugs, prayers and well wishes would be greatly appreciated and perhaps if things if he recovers he can return to a game he loves; case ladder canasta.

          prayers sent.

    • Re: ppaw View
        by Maritza on March 30, 2015 at 17:11:53 PDT

      I always enjoy playing with him, sorry to hear this but I place my hope in the only healer GOD!
      may u be well soon my friend!

      • Re: ppaw View
          by toni19022 on April 4, 2015 at 19:23:53 PDT

        : I always enjoy playing with him, sorry to hear this but I place my hope in the only healer GOD!
        : may u be well soon my friend!
        Praying for a speedy recovery for our friend Ppaw

      • Re: ppaw View
          by toni19022 on April 4, 2015 at 19:23:04 PDT

        praying for a speedy recovery.
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