- One Game or 2/3 View
by EMB on November 6, 2014 at 14:00:46 PST
We are aware of this slow to play thing.Also, we are considering switching to a one-game platform and away from best 2 out of 3. There is no urgency to this because our Rules already allow 1 game so long as both players agree before starting.
We are working on this, please keep the suggestions coming.
- Re: One Game or 2/3 View
by duddle on November 6, 2014 at 15:23:07 PST
: We are aware of this slow to play thing.: Also, we are considering switching to a one-game platform and away from best 2 out of 3. There is no urgency to this because our Rules already allow 1 game so long as both players agree before starting.
: We are working on this, please keep the suggestions coming.
I am in agreement with only one game :)
- Re: One Game or 2/3 View