LIVE N CHI-TOWN (chitown)



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Rank  (To find unranked users, use the filter 'Rank is 0')

The current leaderboard contains 61 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
51 St.Lunachic  20 24 1371 45.455% 0 133d 24 45.5% 500 500 4 1674 8
52 EMoney  14 21 1264 40.000% 0 133d 26 54.3% 600 600 5 1725 10
53 TWISTYSWEETS  11 11 1559 50.000% 0 133d 17 45.5% 500 500 4 1703 8
54 PrettyBlack  12 6 1645 66.667% 0 134d 23 50.0% 590 590 5 1747 10
55 LUCY1002  5 3 1565 62.500% 0 136d 8 0.0% 500 500 2 1604 3
56 JETSETTER  4 3 1522 57.143% 0 134d 21 42.9% 500 500 11 1586 4
57 Pinkie73  12 1 1740 92.308% 0 137d 14 30.8% 1116 1116 4 1787 12
58 BIGWILL  5 1 1609 83.333% 0 136d 10 50.0% 500 500 3 1649 4
59 Sparkle  4 2 1569 66.667% 0 153d 14 50.0% 600 600 15 1611 4
60 DARTMAN  2 2 1500 50.000% 0 151d 14 50.0% 500 500 20 1554 2
61 Jiggalisous  1 1 1492 50.000% 0 136d 21 50.0% 590 590 31 1526 1

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