Pool (clopool)

Message Forum


  • Tourneys Tomorrow Thursday 5:30 - 8pm EST View
      by WeatherMan on February 13, 2008 at 19:29:10 PST

    Hey everyone,

    Gonna try hosting those thursday tourneys for ya and might have a surprise donation in the mix. You gotta come to find out!!! Hope to see ya there.


    • Way To Go WeatherMan.... View
        by Bro_Terry on February 13, 2008 at 22:54:28 PST

      Hope you get some people to play!!

      Thanx for all your work,


      • OOOPS sorry...... View
          by Bro_Terry on February 15, 2008 at 04:10:25 PST

        I have been informed that I was NOT supposed to use my TDM colors except on the ladders that I was assigned to. So I'm sorry it will not happen again.

        : Bro_Terry

Tournament Time EST
Case's Online
Now playing at Case's Online
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LadderBux Redemptions
1 TD Donation (5000)
1 TD Donation (5000)
Conch Shell Charm (65000)
1 TD Donation (5000)
Lucky Four-Leaf Clover in Wishbone (77000)

Over $4,892,050.00 worth of prizes awarded so far!
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