- Thank you all members! View
by WeatherMan on May 24, 2008 at 16:25:34 PDT
Thank you to everyone who voted for me.Now I am a full flegged ladderop! I will be here to help you wherever needed.
Thank you again for everything.
WeatherMan, LadderOp,
Case's Ladder- Congrats WeatherDude!! View
by Bro_Terry on May 27, 2008 at 19:11:47 PDT
I know you'll do a great job.
- Re: Thank you all members! View
by diamond-di on May 25, 2008 at 04:44:04 PDT
WooHoo, congratulations on getting LadderOp, Brandon xxx(Sorry about missing your 6-00pm tourney on Saturday, but I was just on my way to bed when you shouted... (6-00pm est is 11-00pm in the UK)
Diamond-Di xxx
- Congrats WeatherDude!! View