Pool (clopool)

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  • password... View
      by SpinKing on May 31, 2008 at 07:24:15 PDT

    Someone logged on as me this morning. Is there a way to change my CLO password, as opposed to my ladder password?
    • Re: password... View
        by buxy on May 31, 2008 at 15:16:02 PDT

      It can be done if necessary, but it requires a mail through the support links. It's not as easy as changing the ladder password.

      buxy, LeadOp
      Case's Ladder

      • Re: password... View
          by SpinKing on June 1, 2008 at 10:08:43 PDT

        : It can be done if necessary, but it requires a mail through the support links. It's not as easy as changing the ladder password.

        : buxy, LeadOp
        : Case's Ladder

        Thanks. The problem is solved anyway. Its nice to know its there if necessary. Thanks.

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