Pool (clopool)

Message Forum


  • Congratz to Bonzi and Liz View
      by xxxpool_crazyxxx on July 20, 2008 at 02:16:30 PDT

    Welcome to HTD position Bonzi. I know you will do an awesome job! More than I ever could hehe. Congratz to Liz on becoming TD...hope to be here for all yer tourneys.


    xxxpool_crazyxxx, LadderOp,
    Case's Ladder

    • thank you View
        by lizmc3 on July 22, 2008 at 00:31:20 PDT

      plese can you help me by letting me know what times of day you are availabe to play in tourenys or if there are 4 of you in there and want a tourney just buzz me and i wll be happy to host for you.

      my yahoo messenger name is Lizmc3

      thank you

      • Re: thank you View
          by xxxpool_crazyxxx on July 23, 2008 at 21:59:12 PDT

        Hiyas liz,

        Thank you for taking on td! When I used to TD, I would usually get 4 players during the evening around 10pm EST. But nowadays its pretty much random when u can get 4 ppl. Usually I would check every now and then if there were 4 ppl in the room I would set and host one. You can by all means set up tourneys ahead of time. Sometimes in afternoon when you hosted @ 3pm, sometimes @ 10pm all depends. Sorry, if a bit vague lol but hope this helps.

        xxxpool_crazyxxx, LadderOp,
        Case's Ladder

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