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  • ?????? View
      by allroy1 on October 11, 2008 at 07:22:38 PDT

    How can I be dropped in rank for inactivity if it has been less than 24 hrs since I played?

    Also, it is kind of hard to play when no one ever comes in the room . . . .

    Just my .02

    Ray (allroy1)

    • URGH View
        by buxy on October 11, 2008 at 14:53:34 PDT

      : How can I be dropped in rank for inactivity if it has been less than 24 hrs since I played?

      : Also, it is kind of hard to play when no one ever comes in the room . . . .

      : Just my .02

      : Ray (allroy1)

      I'll look into it Ray.... I was just thinking the same thing.

      buxy, LeadOp
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