- Friends are View
by dolphinnelly on October 27, 2008 at 14:54:33 PDT
Friends are
Caring, generous and kind
Friends are
Loving, true and loyal
Friends are
Sharers of joy and grief
Friends are
People who share times of both laughter and tears
Friends are
People who love to tease and torment
Friends are
Devils who give you a kick up the bum when you need it
Friends are
Angels who give you a helping hand up when you need it
Friends are
People whom you can tell all your secrets to and knowing they won’t tell any others
Friends are
Those will tell you when you look ugly when you do and beautiful when you do
Friends are
Those who tell you when you are in the wrong even if they hurt you
Friends are
“Angels without wings sent to the Earth for us”.
Copyright - Nehal Shah, 2008