Command & Conquer (cnc)

Message Forum


  • test View
      by Elliesue on March 21, 2009 at 16:34:30 PDT

    • Re: test View
        by Rhonda on March 4, 2011 at 13:28:51 PST

    • Re: test View
        by diamond-di on March 22, 2009 at 03:00:41 PDT

      : test

      • Re: test View
          by TiggyT on February 26, 2010 at 05:20:49 PST

        Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Susie!

        I hope you have a really wonderful time :)

        TiggyT, OpManager
        Case's Ladder

        • Re: test View
            by MysticPrincess7 on May 6, 2010 at 11:14:49 PDT


          : Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Susie!

          : I hope you have a really wonderful time :)

          : TiggyT, OpManager
          : Case's Ladder

          • Re: test View
              by mysticprincess7 on May 6, 2010 at 11:16:52 PDT

            : :

            : : Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Susie!

            : : I hope you have a really wonderful time :)

            : : TiggyT, OpManager
            : : Case's Ladder

            • Re: test View
                by TiggyT on August 25, 2010 at 07:58:01 PDT

              Hi Everyone,

              I felt it important to clear up a slight misconception of how the Rank Defense Rule works.

              Here is a reminder of the Rule:

              Top Ten
              The purpose of the Ladder is to climb to the top and the competition for the rungs in the Top Ten is high. As such, we have special rules that apply for members in the Top Ten.

              Rank Defense
              Members in the Top Ten must play the person ranked directly below them at least once every three days. A rank-defense match takes priority over other challenges, and any member that would be involved in a rank-defense match may initiate the challenge. For example, a match between rank #2 and rank #3 is considered a rank-defense match, and either member ranked in those positions can challenge the other to play the match. If either member, the better-ranked player or the worse-ranked player, is found to be avoiding a rank-defense match, then their account may be penalized.

              A member is allowed 3 full calendar days AFTER the day they reach the Top 10 to play a Rank Defense Match (not 72 hours from the exact moment they reach the Top 10). A calendar day is a Case's Ladder day, which is on Pacific time, and runs from Midnight to Midnight - (or more correclty Midnight to 23:59).

              So, for example, a member entering the Top 10 on a Monday, would have 3 full days, (Tuesday, Wednesday and up to Midnight Pacific Thursday) to play a Rank Defense Match to comply with the rule.

              I hope this explains this for you all.

              Good luck in your games.

              TiggyT, OpManager
              Case's Ladder

        • Re: test View
            by TiggyT on April 8, 2010 at 09:40:53 PDT


          : Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Susie!

          : I hope you have a really wonderful time :)

          : TiggyT, OpManager
          : Case's Ladder

          • Re: test View
              by TiggyT on April 17, 2010 at 01:37:08 PDT

            Hi Everyone,

            We would like to thank everyone who following the introductory Newsletter from The Buzz and the email sent by wishywashymissy have responded and given us their birthdays.

            There are still a number of Op.Managers, Lead and Ladder Ops. who we have not heard from and we would be most grateful if you could email or myself on

            As mentioned in the introductory Newsletter the first edition of The Buzz will be coming to you during May so keep an eye on your email


            TiggyT, Op.Manager
            The Buzz – Team Lead


            A_la_Viv, Op.Manager
            Case’s Ladder

            • Re: test View
                by TiggyT on April 17, 2010 at 01:40:42 PDT

              Hi Everyone,

              We would like to thank everyone who following the introductory Newsletter from The Buzz and the email sent by wishywashymissy have responded and given us their birthdays.

              There are still a number of Op.Managers, Lead and Ladder Ops. who we have not heard from and we would be most grateful if you could email or myself on

              As mentioned in the introductory Newsletter the first edition of The Buzz will be coming to you during May so keep an eye on your email


              TiggyT, Op.Manager
              The Buzz – Team Lead


              A_la_Viv, Op.Manager
              Case’s Ladder

              • Re: test View
                  by TiggyT on May 2, 2010 at 03:25:27 PDT

                Hi Everyone,

                Hi Everyone!>/font>

                Well, as most of you will know by now, the first issue of The B
                uzz! has not arrived in your mailbox.

                If you have not yet recieved it, please check your spam folder, if it is not there, please let us know by emailing us at .


                The B

                TiggyT, Team Lead & Op.Manager
                Case’s Ladder

                • Re: test View
                    by TiggyT on May 2, 2010 at 03:26:56 PDT

                  Hi Everyone,

                  Hi Everyone!>/font>

                  Well, as most of you will know by now, the first issue of The B
                  uzz! has not arrived in your mailbox.

                  If you have not yet recieved it, please check your spam folder, if it is not there, please let us know by emailing us at .


                  The B

                  TiggyT, Team Lead & Op.Manager
                  Case’s Ladder

                  • Re: test View
                      by TiggyT on May 2, 2010 at 03:36:35 PDT

                    Hi Everyone,

                    Hi Everyone!

                    Well, as most of you will know by now, the first issue of The Buzz! has not arrived in your mailbox.

                    If you have not yet recieved it, please check your spam folder, if it is not there, please let us know by emailing us at and we will send you another copy.


                    The B

                    TiggyT, Team Lead & Op.Manager
                    Case’s Ladder

                    • Re: test View
                        by TiggyT on May 2, 2010 at 03:49:43 PDT

                      Hi Everyone!

                      Well, as most of you will know by now, the first issue of The Buzz! has now arrived in your mailbox.

                      If you have not yet recieved it, please check your spam folder, if it is not there, please let us know by emailing us at and we will send you another copy.


                      The Buzz!

                      TiggyT, Team Lead & Op.Manager
                      Case’s Ladder

                      • test View
                          by TiggyT on June 23, 2010 at 02:05:32 PDT

                        Hi All you wonderful LadderOps!!

                        We would like to thank you all for all the really marvellous work you do for Case's Ladder!

                        To show our gratitude to all of you, we have declared this coming weekend, 26th & 27th June to be LADDEROP APPRECIATION WEEKEND!!!!

                        We really cannot thank you enough for all the hard work you do for Case's Ladder. To show our appreciation of your assistance, we have a competition for you with some really wonderful prizes on offer!

                        *** This time there will also be a very special prize for the 'Worst Entry' *** (Thank you so much Marie - Ladybug_7349)

                        Here are the prizes on offer:

                        1st Prize: $50 gift card, Case's hat, Case's T-shirt and candy!

                        2nd Prize: A Case's hat, Case's T-shirt and candy!

                        3rd Prize: A Case's T-Shirt and candy

                        4th Prize: Candy

                        Worst Entry: A solar powered garden stake, either a dragonfly or a hummingbird. They light up at night and change colours, they are so pretty.

                        To win one of these wonderful prizes, all you have to do is this:

                        Using the word 'LADDEROP' down the page, come up with sentences starting with those letters to describe Case's Ladder.


                        Largest gaming League in the world - Official Ladders being the original and the best of course!
                        Answering loads of lovely mails around the clock, no matter if I am awake or not
                        Drinking far too much coffee to keep awake to answer the mails
                        Drinking even more coffee when I have driven my OpManager mad getting something wrong in a mail
                        Enforcing Case's rules correctly, so SrStaff don't totally blow a fuse if I get it wrong!
                        Remembering to keep my Op hat and TD hat separate on all occasions (I must really get a hat peg next to my computer)
                        Offering bribes to Dan (catcherman22), not to show his bikini pictures, so I am sure to win the top prize :)
                        Play so many games that I have to keep taking VRRs all the time to keep other Ops really busy!

                        All entries should be posted in the LadderOp Forum, commencing immediately.

                        Last entries should be posted before Midnight EDT U.S. on Sunday, 27th June. One entry per LadderOp. SrStaff will judge them, and announce the results and prize winners as soon as they have reached their decision.

                        With prizes for the four best entries, and one for the 'worst' entry, it is really worth having a go!! So get posting!!

                        Once again, we really cannot thank you enough for everything you do! We appreciate all of the Ops! Without you Case's Ladders could not run!

                        Enjoy your weekend!


                        • test View
                            by TiggyT on June 23, 2010 at 02:17:29 PDT

                          Hi All you wonderful LadderOps!!

                          We would like to thank you all for all the really marvellous work you do for Case's Ladder!

                          To show our gratitude to all of you, we have declared this coming weekend, 26th & 27th June to beLADDEROP APPRECIATION WEEKEND!!!!

                          We really cannot thank you enough for all the hard work you do for Case's Ladder. To show our appreciation of your assistance, we have a competition for you with some really wonderful prizes on offer!

                          *** This time there will also be a very special prize for the 'Worst Entry'! *** (Thank you so much Marie - Ladybug_7349)

                          Here are the prizes on offer:

                          1st Prize: $50 gift card, Case's hat, Case's T-shirt and candy!

                          2nd Prize: A Case's hat, Case's T-shirt and candy!

                          3rd Prize: A Case's T-Shirt and candy

                          4th Prize: Candy

                          Worst Entry!: A solar powered garden stake, either a dragonfly or a hummingbird. They light up at night and change colours, they are so pretty.

                          To win one of these wonderful prizes, all you have to do is this:

                          Using the word 'LADDEROP' down the page, come up with sentences starting with those letters to describe Case's Ladder.


                          L argest gaming League in the world - Official Ladders being the original and the best of course!
                          A nswering loads of lovely mails around the clock, no matter if I am awake or not
                          D rinking far too much coffee to keep awake to answer the mails
                          D rinking even more coffee when I have driven my OpManager mad getting something wrong in a mail
                          E nforcing Case's rules correctly, so SrStaff don't totally blow a fuse if I get it wrong!
                          R emembering to keep my Op hat and TD hat separate on all occasions (I must really get a hat peg next to my computer)
                          O ffering bribes to Dan (catcherman22), not to show his bikini pictures, so I am sure to win the top prize :)
                          P lay so many games that I have to keep taking VRRs all the time to keep other Ops really busy!

                          All entries should be posted in the LadderOp Forum, commencing immediately.

                          Last entries should be posted before Midnight EDT U.S. on Sunday, 27th June. One entry per LadderOp. SrStaff will judge them, and announce the results and prize winners as soon as they have reached their decision.

                          With prizes for the four best entries, and one for the 'worst' entry, it is really worth having a go!! So get posting!!

                          Once again, we really cannot thank you enough for everything you do! We appreciate all of the Ops! Without you Case's Ladders could not run!

                          Enjoy your weekend!


                          • test View
                              by TiggyT on June 23, 2010 at 02:24:11 PDT

                            Hi All you wonderful LadderOps!!

                            We would like to thank you all for all the really marvellous work you do for Case's Ladder!

                            To show our gratitude to all of you, we have declared this coming weekend, 26th & 27th June to be

                            LADDEROP APPRECIATION WEEKEND!!!!

                            We really cannot thank you enough for all the hard work you do for Case's Ladder. To show our appreciation of your assistance, we have a competition for you with some really wonderful prizes on offer!

                            *** This time there will also be a very special prize for the 'Worst Entry'! *** (Thank you so much Marie - Ladybug_7349)

                            Here are the prizes on offer:

                            1st Prize: $50 gift card, Case's hat, Case's T-shirt and candy!

                            2nd Prize: A Case's hat, Case's T-shirt and candy!

                            3rd Prize: A Case's T-Shirt and candy

                            4th Prize: Candy

                            Worst Entry!: A solar powered garden stake, either a dragonfly or a hummingbird. They light up at night and change colours, they are so pretty.

                            To win one of these wonderful prizes, all you have to do is this:

                            Using the word 'LADDEROP' down the page, come up with sentences starting with those letters to describe Case's Ladder.


                            L argest gaming League in the world - Official Ladders being the original and the best of course!
                            A nswering loads of lovely mails around the clock, no matter if I am awake or not
                            D rinking far too much coffee to keep awake to answer the mails
                            D rinking even more coffee when I have driven my OpManager mad getting something wrong in a mail
                            E nforcing Case's rules correctly, so SrStaff don't totally blow a fuse if I get it wrong!
                            R emembering to keep my Op hat and TD hat separate on all occasions (I must really get a hat peg next to my computer)
                            O ffering bribes to Dan (catcherman22), not to show his bikini pictures, so I am sure to win the top prize :)
                            P lay so many games that I have to keep taking VRRs all the time to keep other Ops really busy!

                            All entries should be posted in the LadderOp Forum, commencing immediately.

                            Last entries should be posted before Midnight EDT U.S. on Sunday, 27th June. One entry per LadderOp. SrStaff will judge them, and announce the results and prize winners as soon as they have reached their decision.

                            With prizes for the four best entries, and one for the 'worst' entry, it is really worth having a go!! So get posting!!

                            Once again, we really cannot thank you enough for everything you do! We appreciate all of the Ops! Without you Case's Ladders could not run!

                            Enjoy your weekend!


                            • Re: test View
                                by diamond-di on September 22, 2011 at 14:19:07 PDT

                              this is a test
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1 TD Donation (7500)
Quick and Easy Air Fryer Dinner Recipes (Kindle Edition) (75000)
Linked Hearts Charm (65000)
Antiqued Passion Cross Charm (Set of 2) (125000)
Cozy Witch Mysteries (Special Edition 8 Book Set)(Kindle Edition) (75000)

Over $4,901,850.00 worth of prizes awarded so far!
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