Cribbage GD (cribbage)

Message Forum


  • Rule Changes View
      by SecondHandLo on February 6, 2023 at 15:10:35 PST

    The previous posts thread was getting too long. I just wanted to give an opinion. We have a room and granted it’s not perfect but for the most part it works even tho we are few. We have had since I have been playing an example of an individual who apparently did not like the rules so he started his own room with his rules. It failed, in fact it isn’t even listed anymore. So kind of a guideline, if you want certain rules and start your own room and see if the will come.

    The fact is wether we like it or not most of us are getting up in years and change becomes more difficult for us to accept. I for one enjoy cribbage(been playing crib for almost 80 years) and I personally like things the way they are and there is no way in my opinion we are ever going to have a room with a large number of active players no matter what the rules are or are not, so please do not try to fix something that really isn’t broke!!!!

    • Rule Changes View
        by coopnf on February 6, 2023 at 16:18:39 PST

      The previous posts thread was getting too long. I just wanted to give an opinion. We have a room and granted it’s not perfect but for the most part it works even tho we are few. We have had since I have been playing an example of an individual who apparently did not like the rules so he started his own room with his rules. It failed, in fact it isn’t even listed anymore. So kind of a guideline, if you want certain rules and start your own room and see if the will come. The fact is wether we like it or not most of us are getting up in years and change becomes more difficult for us to accept. I for one enjoy cribbage(been playing crib for almost 80 years) and I personally like things the way they are and there is no way in my opinion we are ever going to have a room with a large number of active players no matter what the rules are or are not, so please do not try to fix something that really isn’t broke!!!!
      10 active players out of 1000 says the is broke.

      • Re: Rule Changes View
          by SecondHandLo on February 6, 2023 at 16:54:00 PST

        : The previous posts thread was getting too long. I just wanted to give an opinion. We have a room and granted it’s not perfect but for the most part it works even tho we are few. We have had since I have been playing an example of an individual who apparently did not like the rules so he started his own room with his rules. It failed, in fact it isn’t even listed anymore. So kind of a guideline, if you want certain rules and start your own room and see if the will come. The fact is wether we like it or not most of us are getting up in years and change becomes more difficult for us to accept. I for one enjoy cribbage(been playing crib for almost 80 years) and I personally like things the way they are and there is no way in my opinion we are ever going to have a room with a large number of active players no matter what the rules are or are not, so please do not try to fix something that really isn’t broke!!!!
        : 10 active players out of 1000 says the is broke.

        coopnf if you had read my previous post, which you obviously did not, there are not 1,000 players. Bonzi can correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is if you are gold or platinum player you will NEVER be expunged. As I said in previous post I am willing to bet over 90% of that 1,000 are deceased. As I understand you were an op in RC that room is DEAD and part of that is most likely due to the rules you are trying to implement here. You came in here thinking about being an op and for whatever reason you are not so basically as a “newcomer” you want to make rules to suit yourself. The fact is it does not appear any of the ladder rooms are doing well

        • Re: Rule Changes View
            by BonziPogo on February 7, 2023 at 07:28:53 PST

          : coopnf if you had read my previous post, which you obviously did not, there are not 1,000 players. Bonzi can correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is if you are gold or platinum player you will NEVER be expunged. As I said in previous post I am willing to bet over 90% of that 1,000 are deceased. As I understand you were an op in RC that room is DEAD and part of that is most likely due to the rules you are trying to implement here. You came in here thinking about being an op and for whatever reason you are not so basically as a “newcomer” you want to make rules to suit yourself. The fact is it does not appear any of the ladder rooms are doing well

          There used to be a "Lifetime Gold" membership option that was sold. That kind of membership is no longer available for purchase (and hasn't been for many years) but Case's Ladder has honored the Lifetime Gold memberships that were sold. So, many of the players that are technically on the Ladder are in fact old, inactive Lifetime Gold members. Many of those, as SecondHandLo pointed out, could have even passed away.

          I'd guess that there are about 15 active players. As others have pointed out, that's just the nature of online cribbage. Cribbage players are aging, and the young people of today just are not interested in it. I don't know that I would say this Ladder is a "failure". In fact, I would guess that it's one of the more popular/active online cribbage groups around.

          All of that being said, I am open to rules changes if the group thinks it would be more fun another way, but I don't think there is a problem that could be solved by a rules change at this time. A couple people have suggested a new "program". I don't know of a different Cribbage website other than Gaming Safari that is any better, but if anyone has suggestions there, it may be worth checking out. Unfortunately we aren't able to just create a new program. As for the discussions about potential rules changes, so far I know of only two people who are interested in changes. I'll keep an eye out here for additional opinions, but so far it does not sound like there's much interest in rule changes.

          Best regards,

          BonziPogo, Op Manager
          Case's Ladder

          • Re: Rule Changes View
              by relic48us on February 11, 2023 at 05:01:49 PST

            : : coopnf if you had read my previous post, which you obviously did not, there are not 1,000 players. Bonzi can correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is if you are gold or platinum player you will NEVER be expunged. As I said in previous post I am willing to bet over 90% of that 1,000 are deceased. As I understand you were an op in RC that room is DEAD and part of that is most likely due to the rules you are trying to implement here. You came in here thinking about being an op and for whatever reason you are not so basically as a “newcomer” you want to make rules to suit yourself. The fact is it does not appear any of the ladder rooms are doing well

            : There used to be a "Lifetime Gold" membership option that was sold. That kind of membership is no longer available for purchase (and hasn't been for many years) but Case's Ladder has honored the Lifetime Gold memberships that were sold. So, many of the players that are technically on the Ladder are in fact old, inactive Lifetime Gold members. Many of those, as SecondHandLo pointed out, could have even passed away.

            : I'd guess that there are about 15 active players. As others have pointed out, that's just the nature of online cribbage. Cribbage players are aging, and the young people of today just are not interested in it. I don't know that I would say this Ladder is a "failure". In fact, I would guess that it's one of the more popular/active online cribbage groups around.

            : All of that being said, I am open to rules changes if the group thinks it would be more fun another way, but I don't think there is a problem that could be solved by a rules change at this time. A couple people have suggested a new "program". I don't know of a different Cribbage website other than Gaming Safari that is any better, but if anyone has suggestions there, it may be worth checking out. Unfortunately we aren't able to just create a new program. As for the discussions about potential rules changes, so far I know of only two people who are interested in changes. I'll keep an eye out here for additional opinions, but so far it does not sound like there's much interest in rule changes.

            : Best regards,

            : BonziPogo, Op Manager
            : Case's Ladder

            I think i would like tosee the open table format or even private table like before
            but like you said with 15 players at most 20 it wouldnt be effective
            /As for like time gold being honored my wife bought it played under it for years and when the other ladder folded she wasnt given a coice to keep it she was very active and enjoyed the game but once they took that w=away she has never played again I just wondering how a former player that played here had a chance to make his own league and had it working foir a while > where and how did he get a program to use ? ty Will

          • Re: Rule Changes View
              by coopnf on February 7, 2023 at 17:23:23 PST

            : coopnf if you had read my previous post, which you obviously did not, there are not 1,000 players. Bonzi can correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is if you are gold or platinum player you will NEVER be expunged. As I said in previous post I am willing to bet over 90f that 1,000 are deceased. As I understand you were an op in RC that room is DEAD and part of that is most likely due to the rules you are trying to implement here. You came in here thinking about being an op and for whatever reason you are not so basically as a “newcomer” you want to make rules to suit yourself. The fact is it does not appear any of the ladder rooms are doing wellThere used to be a "Lifetime Gold" membership option that was sold. That kind of membership is no longer available for purchase (and hasn't been for many years) but Case's Ladder has honored the Lifetime Gold memberships that were sold. So, many of the players that are technically on the Ladder are in fact old, inactive Lifetime Gold members. Many of those, as SecondHandLo pointed out, could have even passed away. I'd guess that there are about 15 active players. As others have pointed out, that's just the nature of online cribbage. Cribbage players are aging, and the young people of today just are not interested in it. I don't know that I would say this Ladder is a "failure". In fact, I would guess that it's one of the more popular/active online cribbage groups around.All of that being said, I am open to rules changes if the group thinks it would be more fun another way, but I don't think there is a problem that could be solved by a rules change at this time. A couple people have suggested a new "program". I don't know of a different Cribbage website other than Gaming Safari that is any better, but if anyone has suggestions there, it may be worth checking out. Unfortunately we aren't able to just create a new program. As for the discussions about potential rules changes, so far I know of only two people who are interested in changes. I'll keep an eye out here for additional opinions, but so far it does not sound like there's much interest in rule changes.Best regards,BonziPogo, Op ManagerCase's Ladder

            • Re: Rule Changes View
                by coopnf on February 7, 2023 at 17:25:51 PST

              : coopnf if you had read my previous post, which you obviously did not, there are not 1,000 players. Bonzi can correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is if you are gold or platinum player you will NEVER be expunged. As I said in previous post I am willing to bet over 90f that 1,000 are deceased. As I understand you were an op in RC that room is DEAD and part of that is most likely due to the rules you are trying to implement here. You came in here thinking about being an op and for whatever reason you are not so basically as a “newcomer” you want to make rules to suit yourself. The fact is it does not appear any of the ladder rooms are doing wellThere used to be a "Lifetime Gold" membership option that was sold. That kind of membership is no longer available for purchase (and hasn't been for many years) but Case's Ladder has honored the Lifetime Gold memberships that were sold. So, many of the players that are technically on the Ladder are in fact old, inactive Lifetime Gold members. Many of those, as SecondHandLo pointed out, could have even passed away. I'd guess that there are about 15 active players. As others have pointed out, that's just the nature of online cribbage. Cribbage players are aging, and the young people of today just are not interested in it. I don't know that I would say this Ladder is a "failure". In fact, I would guess that it's one of the more popular/active online cribbage groups around.All of that being said, I am open to rules changes if the group thinks it would be more fun another way, but I don't think there is a problem that could be solved by a rules change at this time. A couple people have suggested a new "program". I don't know of a different Cribbage website other than Gaming Safari that is any better, but if anyone has suggestions there, it may be worth checking out. Unfortunately we aren't able to just create a new program. As for the discussions about potential rules changes, so far I know of only two people who are interested in changes. I'll keep an eye out here for additional opinions, but so far it does not sound like there's much interest in rule changes.Best regards,BonziPogo, Op ManagerCase's Ladder
              Sorry, Doug, ur outa line, again bashing people in the Forum,the Rules were mate to suit the 1000 players not 10/12, may I suggest that you engage your brain b4 putting your mouth into gear.

      • Re: Rule Changes View
          by relic48us on February 6, 2023 at 16:39:31 PST

        : The previous posts thread was getting too long. I just wanted to give an opinion. We have a room and granted it’s not perfect but for the most part it works even tho we are few. We have had since I have been playing an example of an individual who apparently did not like the rules so he started his own room with his rules. It failed, in fact it isn’t even listed anymore. So kind of a guideline, if you want certain rules and start your own room and see if the will come. The fact is wether we like it or not most of us are getting up in years and change becomes more difficult for us to accept. I for one enjoy cribbage(been playing crib for almost 80 years) and I personally like things the way they are and there is no way in my opinion we are ever going to have a room with a large number of active players no matter what the rules are or are not, so please do not try to fix something that really isn’t broke!!!!
        : 10 active players out of 1000 says the is broke.

        I personally and a few more will agree we need a new Program this one is STALE I know its a gaming safari thing but if a pass player set up his own league and got a program i cant see why this one cant be changed if anyone has enough pull or a contact person(s) at gaming safari to make this possible

        • Re: Rule Changes View
            by SecondHandLo on February 6, 2023 at 17:00:03 PST

          : : The previous posts thread was getting too long. I just wanted to give an opinion. We have a room and granted it’s not perfect but for the most part it works even tho we are few. We have had since I have been playing an example of an individual who apparently did not like the rules so he started his own room with his rules. It failed, in fact it isn’t even listed anymore. So kind of a guideline, if you want certain rules and start your own room and see if the will come. The fact is wether we like it or not most of us are getting up in years and change becomes more difficult for us to accept. I for one enjoy cribbage(been playing crib for almost 80 years) and I personally like things the way they are and there is no way in my opinion we are ever going to have a room with a large number of active players no matter what the rules are or are not, so please do not try to fix something that really isn’t broke!!!!
          : : 10 active players out of 1000 says the is broke.

          : I personally and a few more will agree we need a new Program this one is STALE I know its a gaming safari thing but if a pass player set up his own league and got a program i cant see why this one cant be changed if anyone has enough pull or a contact person(s) at gaming safari to make this possible

          As I have said before we all agree the program has problems and we don’t know for a fact Slay got a “new” program and I doubt sincerely that Gaming Safari is going to spend any money for so few players to make any changes. We are all playing with the same program so in the end it becomes a wash

      • Re: Rule Changes View
          by relic48us on February 6, 2023 at 16:35:50 PST

        : The previous posts thread was getting too long. I just wanted to give an opinion. We have a room and granted it’s not perfect but for the most part it works even tho we are few. We have had since I have been playing an example of an individual who apparently did not like the rules so he started his own room with his rules. It failed, in fact it isn’t even listed anymore. So kind of a guideline, if you want certain rules and start your own room and see if the will come. The fact is wether we like it or not most of us are getting up in years and change becomes more difficult for us to accept. I for one enjoy cribbage(been playing crib for almost 80 years) and I personally like things the way they are and there is no way in my opinion we are ever going to have a room with a large number of active players no matter what the rules are or are not, so please do not try to fix something that really isn’t broke!!!!
        : 10 active players out of 1000 says the is broke.

      • Re: Rule Changes View
          by relic48us on February 6, 2023 at 16:35:45 PST

        : The previous posts thread was getting too long. I just wanted to give an opinion. We have a room and granted it’s not perfect but for the most part it works even tho we are few. We have had since I have been playing an example of an individual who apparently did not like the rules so he started his own room with his rules. It failed, in fact it isn’t even listed anymore. So kind of a guideline, if you want certain rules and start your own room and see if the will come. The fact is wether we like it or not most of us are getting up in years and change becomes more difficult for us to accept. I for one enjoy cribbage(been playing crib for almost 80 years) and I personally like things the way they are and there is no way in my opinion we are ever going to have a room with a large number of active players no matter what the rules are or are not, so please do not try to fix something that really isn’t broke!!!!
        : 10 active players out of 1000 says the is broke.

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