Cribbage GD (cribbage)

Message Forum


  • LadderOp Wanted View
      by BonziPogo on October 3, 2022 at 10:07:44 PDT

    Hi All, we are looking for a volunteer to be a LadderOp. If you are interested, please Click Here!
    • have you found a LadderOp View
        by lil_thummper on January 11, 2023 at 08:42:33 PST


    • Re: LadderOp Wanted View
        by lil_thummper on October 14, 2022 at 16:54:50 PDT

      : Hi All, we are looking for a volunteer to be a LadderOp. If you are interested, please Click Here!

      So what is involved in being on ladder off we had grace as one and she basically did nothing-- came in gutter votes to be allowed are off all nights played crib with us and then abandoned us with no explanation?

      In any event is there not some sort of course you have to take in do you need a program to download etc?'

      usually a position has some requirements as to what you will be doing and what are the pros and cons of being a ladder up certainly don't get money?

      Anyone else have any questions ??

      • Re: LadderOp Wanted View
          by relic48us on October 17, 2022 at 09:51:20 PDT

        : : Hi All, we are looking for a volunteer to be a LadderOp. If you are interested, please Click Here!

        : So what is involved in being on ladder off we had grace as one and she basically did nothing-- came in gutter votes to be allowed are off all nights played crib with us and then abandoned us with no explanation?

        : In any event is there not some sort of course you have to take in do you need a program to download etc?'

        : usually a position has some requirements as to what you will be doing and what are the pros and cons of being a ladder up certainly don't get money?

        : Anyone else have any questions ??

        even bozo doesnt come in to see whats going on this ladder needs a new program BUT noone around to ask
        so what are we todo ?

        • Re: LadderOp Wanted View
            by SecondHandLo on October 19, 2022 at 14:26:03 PDT

          : : : Hi All, we are looking for a volunteer to be a LadderOp. If you are interested, please Click Here!

          : : So what is involved in being on ladder off we had grace as one and she basically did nothing-- came in gutter votes to be allowed are off all nights played crib with us and then abandoned us with no explanation?

          : : In any event is there not some sort of course you have to take in do you need a program to download etc?'

          I agree the program needs updating, but we all play with the same problems. However I believe Case’s really has nothing to do with the program. I believe it is Gaming Safari in charge of that

          : : usually a position has some requirements as to what you will be doing and what are the pros and cons of being a ladder up certainly don't get money?

          : : Anyone else have any questions ??

          : even bozo doesnt come in to see whats going on this ladder needs a new program BUT noone around to ask
          : so what are we todo ?

      • Re: LadderOp Wanted View
          by relic48us on October 17, 2022 at 09:51:15 PDT

        : : Hi All, we are looking for a volunteer to be a LadderOp. If you are interested, please Click Here!

        : So what is involved in being on ladder off we had grace as one and she basically did nothing-- came in gutter votes to be allowed are off all nights played crib with us and then abandoned us with no explanation?

        : In any event is there not some sort of course you have to take in do you need a program to download etc?'

        : usually a position has some requirements as to what you will be doing and what are the pros and cons of being a ladder up certainly don't get money?

        : Anyone else have any questions ??

        even bozo doesnt come in to see whats going on this ladder needs a new program BUT noone around to ask
        so what are we todo ?

        • Re: LadderOp Wanted View
            by SecondHandLo on October 19, 2022 at 14:26:03 PDT

          : : : Hi All, we are looking for a volunteer to be a LadderOp. If you are interested, please Click Here!

          : : So what is involved in being on ladder off we had grace as one and she basically did nothing-- came in gutter votes to be allowed are off all nights played crib with us and then abandoned us with no explanation?

          : : In any event is there not some sort of course you have to take in do you need a program to download etc?'

          I agree the program needs updating, but we all play with the same problems. However I believe Case’s really has nothing to do with the program. I believe it is Gaming Safari in charge of that

          : : usually a position has some requirements as to what you will be doing and what are the pros and cons of being a ladder up certainly don't get money?

          : : Anyone else have any questions ??

          : even bozo doesnt come in to see whats going on this ladder needs a new program BUT noone around to ask
          : so what are we todo ?

      • Re: LadderOp Wanted View
          by relic48us on October 17, 2022 at 09:49:26 PDT

        : : Hi All, we are looking for a volunteer to be a LadderOp. If you are interested, please Click Here!

        : So what is involved in being on ladder off we had grace as one and she basically did nothing-- came in gutter votes to be allowed are off all nights played crib with us and then abandoned us with no explanation?

        : In any event is there not some sort of course you have to take in do you need a program to download etc?'

        : usually a position has some requirements as to what you will be doing and what are the pros and cons of being a ladder up certainly don't get money?

        : Anyone else have any questions ??

      • Re: LadderOp Wanted View
          by BonziPogo on October 16, 2022 at 04:59:56 PDT

        I'll be honest that there aren't a lot of selling points.
        -LadderOp can't be in the Top 10
        -LadderOp can't file submit complaints

        The person for the job will be someone who doesn't much care about rank, but cares about trying to preserve what's left of the ladder. Training is provided for this is a volunteer role. Long-established protocols are followed.

        If there are any more specific questions, feel free to ask!

        Best regards,

        BonziPogo, Op Manager
        Case's Ladder

        : : Hi All, we are looking for a volunteer to be a LadderOp. If you are interested, please Click Here!

        : So what is involved in being on ladder off we had grace as one and she basically did nothing-- came in gutter votes to be allowed are off all nights played crib with us and then abandoned us with no explanation?

        : In any event is there not some sort of course you have to take in do you need a program to download etc?'

        : usually a position has some requirements as to what you will be doing and what are the pros and cons of being a ladder up certainly don't get money?

        : Anyone else have any questions ??

        • Re: LadderOp Wanted View
            by lil_thummper on November 20, 2022 at 09:26:05 PST

          : I'll be honest that there aren't a lot of selling points.
          : -LadderOp can't be in the Top 10
          : -LadderOp can't file submit complaints

          : If there are any more specific questions, feel free to ask!

          : : : Anyone else have any questions ??

          OK why can't ladder OPS be #1?

          And it's a ladder up season infraction who did they go to>?

          • Ops not in top ten View
              by tlmomca on January 22, 2023 at 20:15:52 PST

            Yes this is a ladder and many take the competition to be in the top ten very seriously. However, our Op Team has to make rulings about rules involving the top ten and it can be viewed as a conflict of interest if they are also in the top ten.
          • Re: LadderOp Wanted View
              by Atlantic_Storm on January 22, 2023 at 12:56:38 PST

            : : I'll be honest that there aren't a lot of selling points.
            : : -LadderOp can't be in the Top 10
            : : -LadderOp can't file submit complaints

            : : If there are any more specific questions, feel free to ask!

            Been there , done that. To be an op you must also take any abuse put on you by players as no one cares. This includes private email, etc.

            : : : : Anyone else have any questions ??

            : OK why can't ladder OPS be #1?

            : And it's a ladder up season infraction who did they go to>?

            • not entirely true Atlantic_Salmon View
                by tlmomca on January 22, 2023 at 20:13:02 PST

              In our training we do let our Ops know that they need a thick skin as they may well get some pushback from players on their rulings. However, we do NOT tolerate abuse of our Ops. These are volunteers here to help the ladder maintain its rules so everyone can have a nice place to play. I take Op Abuse very seriously. It is just plain not nice!

Tournament Time 11:49:40 am EDT
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