Cribbage GD (cribbage)

Message Forum


  • Comment for a leading player View
      by coopnf on April 5, 2023 at 02:12:01 PDT

    Recently I was informed by a player of long standing, both popular and otherwise, that they were the closest thing to being an Op of this ladder.
    I found this quite strange as the player concerned has never applied to become an Op of the room, never appeared in the voting booth to be judged by their peers, nor even attended a compulsory training program. I have wondered why this subject was bought up in the first place, bearing in mind that there are less than 20 regular players here.
    Food for thought indeed.
    There will be a couple of players putting in their 2 dimes worth, I wont name them, but they know who they are.
    • Re: Comment for a leading player View
        by lil_thummper on April 8, 2023 at 20:11:11 PDT

      : Recently I was informed by a player of long standing, both popular and otherwise, that they were the closest thing to being an Op of this ladder.
      : I found this quite strange as the player concerned has never applied to become an Op of the room, never appeared in the voting booth to be judged by their peers, nor even attended a compulsory training program. I have wondered why this subject was bought up in the first place, bearing in mind that there are less than 20 regular players here.
      : Food for thought indeed.
      : There will be a couple of players putting in their 2 dimes worth, I wont name them, but they know who they are.
      : Regards.
      : Wayne

      If you talking about lighthouse makes sense as tonight he was acting like an Op towards me?
      He said he was being helpful?

      • Re: Comment for a leading player View
          by lighthouse1 on April 17, 2023 at 07:57:06 PDT

        : : Recently I was informed by a player of long standing, both popular and otherwise, that they were the closest thing to being an Op of this ladder.
        : : I found this quite strange as the player concerned has never applied to become an Op of the room, never appeared in the voting booth to be judged by their peers, nor even attended a compulsory training program. I have wondered why this subject was bought up in the first place, bearing in mind that there are less than 20 regular players here.
        : : Food for thought indeed.
        : : There will be a couple of players putting in their 2 dimes worth, I wont name them, but they know who they are.
        : : Regards.
        : : Wayne

        : If you talking about lighthouse makes sense as tonight he was acting like an Op towards me?
        : He said he was being helpful?

        Sarcasm isn't your strong suit is it ?

      • Re: Comment for a leading player View
          by lighthouse1 on April 17, 2023 at 07:56:59 PDT

        : : Recently I was informed by a player of long standing, both popular and otherwise, that they were the closest thing to being an Op of this ladder.
        : : I found this quite strange as the player concerned has never applied to become an Op of the room, never appeared in the voting booth to be judged by their peers, nor even attended a compulsory training program. I have wondered why this subject was bought up in the first place, bearing in mind that there are less than 20 regular players here.
        : : Food for thought indeed.
        : : There will be a couple of players putting in their 2 dimes worth, I wont name them, but they know who they are.
        : : Regards.
        : : Wayne

        : If you talking about lighthouse makes sense as tonight he was acting like an Op towards me?
        : He said he was being helpful?

        Sarcasm isn't your strong suit is it ?

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