CribbageHangout (cribbagehangout)

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  • sorry View
      by mb1952 on July 19, 2024 at 16:07:58 PDT

    I'm really sorry about some delays I have caused during the last couple of weeks. Some nights have been more difficult than others. Last night, my leg kept giving me spastic jerks continually from 12:30 until it was time to start the tournaments and a bit more.. There was no sleeping.

    I try to power through but in the last three tournaments, I find it a struggle to keep awake. And two or three times I have fallen asleep. I have no tolerance for those kind of delays.

    I will try to go to bed an hour earlier but that's difficult. However, if I find myself drifting in the morning I think the best remedy would be to give up the game I'm in and let the tournament continue while I lie down with a 5-minute alarm on and get a really quick catnap. That 5 minute sleep should push me through without a problem.

    Sorry again for the delays; I will make a workable solution!

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