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Rank  (To find unranked users, use the filter 'Rank is 0')

The current leaderboard contains 71 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
51 manche7  6 0 1642 100.000% 0 42d 17 100.0% 1780 1930 31 1642 6
52 ariest3  Gold Member 98 123 1411 44.344% 0 8d 11 58.2% 6009 10509 1 1758 8
53 forddog27  4 8 1398 33.333% 0 21d 11 100.0% 2450 1200 35 1614 4
54 wondersoflife  4 8 1435 33.333% 0 41d 11 91.7% 275 875 35 1556 2
55 stillhappy  14 14 1509 50.000% 0 29d 15 92.9% 7820 8320 27 1664 6
56 deede31  4 6 1457 40.000% 0 14d 19 100.0% 545 1145 42 1574 4
57 Sheena143  48 40 1588 54.545% 0 59d 13 88.6% 8085 9535 14 1702 14
58 pjhappy  52 50 1531 50.980% 0 34d 14 77.5% 8815 11165 12 1713 10
59 pr_lisa  12 12 1494 50.000% 0 21d 8 100.0% 1880 2130 14 1658 6
60 Quiet__Storm  6 8 1499 42.857% 0 60d 16 92.9% 1160 660 26 1579 2
61 LilG  2 2 1511 50.000% 0 37d 15 100.0% 400 550 56 1569 2
62 drdebis  32 52 1376 38.095% 0 49d 13 83.3% 5270 6970 16 1774 14
63 ladynred1  8 20 1276 28.571% 0 15d 17 96.4% 1860 1810 30 1611 4
64 hexitvexit  67 56 1562 54.471% 0 82d 13 70.7% 7216 11366 5 1725 10
65 CountryChick  Diamond Member 14 16 1498 46.667% 0 88d 13 100.0% 16280 12330 19 1658 6
66 nj51chip1  5 11 1447 31.250% 0 78d 7 93.8% 910 510 13 1569 2
67 IMUSTBENUTS1  9 14 1456 39.130% 0 94d 4 100.0% 6626 3726 5 1566 3
68 WizardoftheWest  4 0 1609 100.000% 0 96d 20 100.0% 915 1065 34 1609 4
69 whoknowzit  6 0 1659 100.000% 0 100d 14 83.3% 990 1140 25 1659 6
70 hapcat207  Platinum Member 4 2 1567 66.667% 0 95d 10 100.0% 467800 4000 31 1620 4
71 grzegorz1108  2 2 1495 50.000% 0 129d 7 100.0% 520 620 13 1544 2

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