Gin (eagin)

Message Forum


      by mariecpa1 on February 8, 2003 at 16:55:40 PST

    How would the weekend of April 25th work out for everyone??? Please post your answer here. Thanks!!!
    • Re: ATLANTIC CITY View
        by Giovannaxo on February 9, 2003 at 09:17:32 PST

      That weekend is fine with me Marie


      : How would the weekend of April 25th work out for everyone??? Please post your answer here. Thanks!!!

    • Re: ATLANTIC CITY View
        by Frani Hope on February 9, 2003 at 07:26:43 PST

      How about the weekend of April 12? It's before the holidays and I'll be on vacation for one week, giving me time to see NY too. Thanks, Frani PS GinJohn, Loved your answer to Gio's joke lol
    • Re: ATLANTIC CITY View
        by brazumich73 on February 8, 2003 at 18:20:05 PST

      Well, to put it in context, April 25 is the Friday after Easter this year (I don't know if you realized that or not Marie). That may be an issue for anyone who happens to go somewhere for that previous holiday weekend.

      My one question is (because I didn't go last year), how many days would this get together be? Just the 3 days for sure? That would be useful news to many I am sure, and certainly of interest to me.

      I can tentatively schedule in that date, pending what the wife has on her calendar...


      • Re: ATLANTIC CITY View
          by mariecpa1 on February 8, 2003 at 19:46:10 PST

        Yes, Bob, I did realize that it was. But better than the weekend before, I think. How does this work with Passover? And yes, it would probably be for the 3 days. If anyone wants to stay later, they can. This is not a set date. It is just to get feedback from everyone. Thanks!!


        • Re: ATLANTIC CITY View
            by brazumich73 on February 9, 2003 at 09:11:17 PST

          Well, I'm not Jewish, so I really have no worries, but my calendar shows that Passover starts on April 17, which is Holy Thursday on the Christian calendar.


        • Re: ATLANTIC CITY View
            by Katt 6410 on February 8, 2003 at 20:01:02 PST

          That should be Ok for me. katt
          • Re: ATLANTIC CITY View
              by stolmanm on February 9, 2003 at 18:58:55 PST

            : That should be Ok for me. katt

            works for me too, michael

          • Re: ATLANTIC CITY View
              by stolmanm on February 9, 2003 at 18:58:04 PST

            : That should be Ok for me. katt

          • Re: ATLANTIC CITY View
              by bearhoodar on February 9, 2003 at 08:18:20 PST

            The later in April the better for me. Still hoping I can come. (moving mountians!)
            Last year Bob, we got there on Fri and went home on Sun & Monday....what ever yr schedule called for.

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