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  • get together in june at atlantic city View
      by stolmanm on February 11, 2003 at 03:29:05 PST

    hey char,
    why not make the get together in june so lee can be involved,plus it gives most even more planning time to ensure an even better turnout.just a thought.
    • Re: get together in june at atlantic city View
        by mariecpa1 on February 11, 2003 at 04:51:46 PST

      Hi Michael,

      I think that Lee is coming in July. I, for one, can't make it in July, but if more players say that they can make it then, so be it.

      • Re: get together in june at atlantic city View
          by Birngana48 on February 12, 2003 at 12:48:22 PST

        June isnt totally impossible for me - My husband is in UK from May 12 to July 12 - My plan was to join him for last week or so then we would head off to USA - However I could come in advance if get together was to be late June and then meet up with him later at my daughters ...... I will investigate more today - In any case, whenever I come I hope to catch up with some of you!!!
      • Re: get together in june at atlantic city View
          by rosiesputer on February 11, 2003 at 07:12:22 PST

        Hi all -- I have to be in NYC June 25-28 for a bday & wedding. If that weekend works for most, I will gladly make arrangements to stay until Monday-Tuesday and come to Atlantic City on Sunday for certain, hopefully earlier, too [Mom's 83rd B'day is Thurs., wedding is Sat.] The previous weekend is my B'day ... haven't made specific plans yet for it. With promises of some roses, delicious chocolates, winning gin, yatta ..... and if it is better for others, I would try to make arrangements to be there then, and stay for the week . Yikes ...New York/Atl. City hotels are expensive for 10 days .. forget most of the roses and chocolates .... I need a room ...and a shower! :) Would be really terrific to meet many of you ....even Bad Girl Marie!
        • Re: get together in june at atlantic city View
            by bearhoodar on February 11, 2003 at 07:30:11 PST

          Personally, June would be better for me also. Give me more time to move that dern mountian!!!!!
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