Gin (eagin)

Message Forum


  • the stupidity of cases ladder View
      by pzazu0731 on February 13, 2003 at 14:49:49 PST

    i have been boxed for 5 days by the idiots who run this ladder because they have brains the size of an ant. because i have an account my wife also plays on this ladder and my daughter just joined they are calling it multiple accounts. so for all of you husband and wife gin players on the ladder keep checking to see if it also happens to you.after this little episode by cases who does not bother to ask or look into things before jumping to conclusions, i willseriously think about staying in cases i am not crazy about the way they do things in here maybee i should move to cuba they have more rights there than we do here. PAT
    • Check your email : View
        by eleann on February 14, 2003 at 21:12:19 PST

      Then it would be nice for you to confirm to players that your daughter did have 3 accounts and 2 of them did report ladder matches and we did email you and ask for an explanation and only took action when you did not respond.

      I'm glad we got this worked out, but I think its only fair to let players know there is more to the story than indicated in your post.

      Good luck in your games :)


    • Re: the stupidity of cases ladder View
        by mariecpa1 on February 13, 2003 at 20:51:04 PST

      What happened to Pat has NOTHING to do with being in a clique or not. The multiple accounts are taken care of by the senior staff who is in charge of just that. It is NOT handled by the ops.
      • Re: the stupidity of cases ladder View
          by pzazu0731 on February 14, 2003 at 15:04:36 PST

        char what multiple accounts ???????????? i have 1 my wife has 1 and my daughter had 1 when she tried signing up before she never got activation key so they were never activated. so as far as i am concerned something is wrong with cases ,if they are staffed by stupid people at the moment they should replace them with some who have common sence. i have had enough of these littlers on power trips who dont even play in here deciding our faith .
        • Re: the stupidity of cases ladder View
            by mariecpa1 on February 14, 2003 at 17:01:25 PST

          I know that you don't have multiple accounts, Pat. I was just pointing out that it had nothing to do with "cliques".
    • Re: the stupidity of cases ladder View
        by EnergizerBunnyX0 on February 13, 2003 at 18:28:10 PST

      yaaaaaaaa pzzzz cuba sounds GREAT!!!... i sure will miss kickin ur #*^tho..have a nice trip!!!!

      hope thats a 1 way ticket...hehehe!!!

      [Post automatically censored for profanity]

      • Re: the stupidity of cases ladder View
          by scootermagraw on February 13, 2003 at 18:53:08 PST

        pat dont you know by now that those rules only apply to whom they want them too when are you going to learn.
        how many husband and wives play here and it has never happened
        just another case of you not being with a clique

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