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  • Formal Challenges View
      by drunkongin on February 4, 2003 at 14:54:42 PST

    I cant understand why there is such confusion. The following rule is cut & dry:
    Formal challenges take priority over all other matches. If someone has a formal challenge against you and they are available to play, you must play them next.

    It does not say that defends come 1st

    • Re: Formal Challenges View
        by scootermagraw on February 5, 2003 at 20:26:31 PST

      alan what rule book you reading, i see nowhere in the rules where it says formals take priority over anything the word PRIORITY is not used

      • Response from Head OP: View
          by drunkongin on February 6, 2003 at 04:27:14 PST

        First of all, I am in no way Keahialan. Alan is BANNED from Cases.

        Second of all if people took teh time to read the FORMAL CHALLENGE rules is is cutand dry.

        Here is the response from Pennyd5660, Lead OP:

        To answer you briefly, Formal challenges do take precedence over defend matches. Also, a player who has been formalled does have seven days to complete their formal. A formal challenge game can take place when the time is mutually convenient to both players. If both parties are in the room, and they both agree to play their formal then a table may be set and reserved up to 15 minutes until both parties are free to complete their formal challenge.

        • Re: Response from Head OP: View
            by scootermagraw on February 6, 2003 at 04:50:23 PST

          SO I AM NOT WRONG

          • Re: Response from Head OP: View
              by drunkongin on February 6, 2003 at 05:40:25 PST

            Then they can NOT play any other LADDER matches if they are both in the room. FORMALS come before all other matches, only exception are tournies.

            Otherwise that could lead to ladder manipulation.....which heavily existed here in the past

            • Re: Response from Head OP: View
                by EnergizerBunnyX0 on February 6, 2003 at 06:36:36 PST

              I have gone over the rules and there is nothing in them that even resembles what you are talking says NOTHING about formal challenges take PRIORITY over any other matches or that you MUST play them next if they are available, I do however know that you have 7 days to play a formal and wait up to 15 mins AND!!! that the person asking to play that formal can't refuse down games while their formal challenge is already in a game but yet accept another up game, now THAT is avoiding, CUT and DRY!!!

              • Re: Response from Head OP: View
                  by FisherJohnny101 on February 15, 2003 at 20:07:23 PST

                : I have gone over the rules and there is nothing in them that even resembles what you are talking says NOTHING about formal challenges take PRIORITY over any other matches or that you MUST play them next if they are available, I do however know that you have 7 days to play a formal and wait up to 15 mins AND!!! that the person asking to play that formal can't refuse down games while their formal challenge is already in a game but yet accept another up game, now THAT is avoiding, CUT and DRY!!!

                • Re: Response from Head OP: View
                    by FisherJohnny101 on February 15, 2003 at 20:14:38 PST

                  : : I have gone over the rules and there is nothing in them that even resembles what you are talking says NOTHING about formal challenges take PRIORITY over any other matches or that you MUST play them next if they are available, I do however know that you have 7 days to play a formal and wait up to 15 mins AND!!! that the person asking to play that formal can't refuse down games while their formal challenge is already in a game but yet accept another up game, now THAT is avoiding, CUT and DRY!!!

         should know spent 2 years avoiding games AND!!! you always jumped in a room for an up game.....hypocrites crack me up........smooch! Johnny

                  • Re: Response from Head OP: View
                      by scootermagraw on February 18, 2003 at 06:56:53 PST

                    johnny its pretty bad when you have to bash someone in the forum because she thinks your nuts
                    who is the one changing screen names all the time just to harass her
                    grow up and leave the poor woman alone

                  • Re: Response from Head OP: View
                      by EnergizerBunnyX0 on February 17, 2003 at 18:52:15 PST

                    And IDIOTS make me sick!!!!!!!!!

                    One last time Fisher......GOOD-BYE!!!!!!!!!!

              • Where DrunkonGin is quoting from View
                  by brazumich73 on February 6, 2003 at 08:55:02 PST

                I am not surprised that no one knows where this "rule" is. I didn't know either until I did a little research.

                Drunk has pulled his information from the following path:
                1. Under the This Ladder heading select Formal Challenge
                2. Select the Help Guide link under the login screen
                3. All the way at the bottom is the rule that Drunk has been quoting in his posts.

                My guess is that the great majority of players have not worried about referencing this page - since it says "Help" and not "Rules" one would not be inclined to read them. I would be part of that group.

                So, in summary, I am not going to hold it against anyone who does not read a help file if they don't think they need the help. It should be noted that the help file indicates the formal challenge is a Beta . That may explain why the statement quoted by Drunk is not in the standard ladder rules information.

                As for what games take precedence, Penny is correct (and I apparently was mistaken in a private response to Drunk earlier), Formals should take precedence over defends when they are made. At the same time they can take place when the time is mutually convenient to both players. Assuming we can all be rational about it, it is certainly possible to agree on getting a defend match played before a formal is played.

                Some players put a bigger premium on defends because we have a 3 day rule to defend against the position immediately below you. If this is not done and a complaint is filed, then the player is liable for penalty, which could include a rank penalty, penalty box, or both. As Bunny noted, there is a 7 day period to get a Formal played. Formals can be satisfied either via regular ladder play or via a tournament - yes, even in a tournament match. When a formal is placed, as soon as the ladder software sees that player A plays Player B, it will mark that as the Formal match. The software does not care what the circumstances were.

                Offline, I am sure that Penny and I will discuss how we might want to make this easier for all to understand. In the meantime, I am sure everyone can use their best judgement when it comes to formal challenges. If anyone sees what appears to them to be a violation, please feel free to submit a complaint via the Support links. If you have screen captures of the alleged offence, please forward them to Penny and me after you file the complaint.

                Thanks for reading my little book. Enjoy the gin games!

                brazumich73, LadderOp
                Case's Ladder

                a.k.a. Bob

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