Gin (eagin)

Message Forum


  • A Primer on challenge rules View
      by brazumich73 on February 19, 2003 at 21:01:03 PST

    There seems to be a lot of confusion on exactly what ways are legal ways to seek matches on the ladder. One would think that everyone would take the time to read the rules and understand them. Unfortunately, even when they are read, everyone has their own interpretation. In the hope that perhaps we might clear this up, I submit the following:


    This means that if the number 2 player changes from day to day, try to play your different challengers every day. If you blow their doors off, you've earned the #1 ranking. If you lose, then someone else has earned the right to have the target on their back.

    For players at any rank, it is your job to know who you are playing and their rank. If you are the #5 player and lose to the #7 player before you play the #6 player, you've just lost one day where you can defend your top ten rank.

    As for other rules for our ladder, please use the frame at the left to select the RULES link and see what we have. They are designed to give us all a level playing field.

    Thank you for your time. I know some of you hate my little "books" that I post on the forum, but the above data touches on what I see the most of in the mail room for our ladder. This will hopefully give us a point to start from. If I find that I am incorrect on anything, I will be the first to admit it and post a correction.

    Bob aka

    brazumich73, LadderOp
    Case's Ladder

    • Well, crap! View
        by brazumich73 on February 19, 2003 at 21:07:36 PST

      All that trouble to type everything up, and some formatting error messes up my message. There is a big gap of information between the first and third paragraphs. I'll have to try it again a different way tomorrow. Bottom line is, pay attention to the rules regarding game challenges and top ten rank defense, and I will try this again when I have some sleep.


      • some tests... View
          by brazumich73 on February 20, 2003 at 08:28:13 PST

        Live test... Watch it all work this time...

        I should be bold

        I should be red

        Cut and paste with quotes...

        "Top of the Heap: Everyone wants a shot at #1; consequently there should be a lot of activity and movement in the top ranks of the Ladder. Remember that rank has priority when it comes to challenges. Keeping that in mind, the number one player should play the number two player as often as possible."

        Cut and paste, quotes and color for emphasis:

        "Top of the Heap: Everyone wants a shot at #1; consequently there should be a lot of activity and movement in the top ranks of the Ladder. Remember that rank has priority when it comes to challenges. Keeping that in mind, the number one player should play the number two player as often as possible."

      • YOU just don't get it..... View
          by drunkongin on February 20, 2003 at 04:10:44 PST

        Certain people fail to call ranks even after they have acknowledged that there were multiple challenges in the lobby.

        Certain people also ABUSE the afk one case a person asked another for a match...the challenger was advised that the person she was seeking to play was afk,,,,the challenger was then asked for a match by another person...her response was afk...if she was available to play the 1st match why wasnt she available to play the 2nd......hmmmmm AVOIDANCE.....

        ....Nervous about being that is funny....if you cant take the heat ...get out of the kitchen.

        • Re: YOU just don't get it..... View
            by GINJOHNX on February 20, 2003 at 19:44:41 PST


        • Re: YOU just don't get it..... View
            by EnergizerBunnyX0 on February 20, 2003 at 09:08:02 PST

          You really need to get a life, grow up and act like a man IF that is at all possible. Again you LIE and TWIST the words, if you're going to post, get it neglected to mention what really happened, but why would you do that?? OH!! you wouldn't want to make yourself look like the IDIOT you are..nice try!!!! but we're all on to HARASSING ME!!!!!!!
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