Gin (eagin)

Message Forum


  • ~*~*~QUICK AND EASY ???~*~*~* View
      by iidontgiveadam on February 20, 2003 at 08:30:58 PST

    avoidance....ducking you think this is the only ladder in the that has that problem....want to stop this??.....research....what are other ladders doing to stop this.....formals that don't have to be played for 7 days??.....what is the use......defend every 3 days???.....why not 1-2 matches every day.....or top twenty matches every day.......this keeps the ladder moving ......other ladders do it ........why not here....there are many ways to keep the ladder moving up and down.....its not a perch......but that's the way the rules are set up...another way to stop the confusion is ....COME TO THE POINT......we dont need five pargraphs when it can be done in one.....
    • Well, like it or not, there is no Quick and Easy View
        by brazumich73 on February 20, 2003 at 09:42:17 PST

      If there was a quick and easy, then...

      1. The Ops would just box everyone who had a complaint filed against him or her, no questions asked. In my month as a LadderOp, that practice would have perhaps placed at least 25% of you in the penalty box in that time. Most of you would be there until after you've left this wonderful world of ours.
      2. Every decision we would make would be applauded by both the accuser and the accused.
      3. Everyone would get the rules they want.
      4. Everyone would play fair.

      The reality is...

      1. Whether everyone likes it or not, the Op staff has to try to be impartial when we get complaints about other members. For those of you who get judgements against you, this probably comes as a shock. For my part I'm only human. If I wasn't, you could refer to me as Bob Almighty, and all our problems would be solved. Because I'm not Bob Almighty, I have to work on all our issues per a set of rules given to all the LadderOps. I don't always like those rules either, we just do our level best and trudge onward.
      2. We can't make everyone happy, we just try our best.
      3. We would not need rules at all if everyone made the effort to actually read and understand them as a whole, instead of selective interpretations that some members like to make of them.
      4. No one wants to play fair, because even in our little ladder world on WorldPlay, we all have our own agendas. Everyone says to have fun, but no one really wants to.

      It is my general understanding that most of the members of this ladder are, chronologically speaking, adults. There are times, and sadly too many of them, where I think most of us, myself included, haven't developed emotionally past, oh say, kindergarten. That is probably not an Op like thing to say to all of you who were kind enough to vote me in, but like I said, I've included myself in the group. You can even argue that this post is my decent into emotional kindergarten.

      To DrunkonGin, GinJohn, Iidontgiveadam, and all the others who would like to see changes in the rules, I DO get it. I have not forgotten my promise to bring up suggestions with the rest of our Op team for this ladder. There are specific reasons why this has not been done yet, and those reasons do not need to be made public, except to say that often the real world takes precedence over our little community at times. But you have my promise, it is the best I can give you.

      If you are all still awake :) thanks for your time reading this. I'll forwarn you that from time to time I'll make replies like this. That's just me.

      Thank you,

      brazumich, LadderOp
      Case's Ladder

      (another rule - comes with the Kelly Green letters)

      • Re: Well, like it or not, there is no Quick and Easy View
          by GINJOHNX on February 20, 2003 at 19:41:01 PST

        Bob,cancel any of my requests for change. Im here to play any and all,HOGIE was right playing each other several times a day is a bad idea for a ladder.We should just play gin. of course no Stupid games,lol unless we are feeling stupid that day.TRY to have fun and win do both and it will remain a great ladder
      • Re: Well, like it or not, there is no Quick and Easy View
          by Ginsinner on February 20, 2003 at 13:19:52 PST

        BOB, most forget that yours is a voluntary position and I commend you on your efforts.
      • Re: Well, like it or not, there is no Quick and Easy View
          by iidontgiveadam on February 20, 2003 at 10:07:28 PST

        : If there was a quick and easy, then...

        : 1. The Ops would just box everyone who had a complaint filed against him or her, no questions asked. In my month as a LadderOp, that practice would have perhaps placed at least 25% of you in the penalty box in that time. Most of you would be there until after you've left this wonderful world of ours.
        : 2. Every decision we would make would be applauded by both the accuser and the accused.
        : 3. Everyone would get the rules they want.
        : 4. Everyone would play fair.

        : The reality is...

        : 1. Whether everyone likes it or not, the Op staff has to try to be impartial when we get complaints about other members. For those of you who get judgements against you, this probably comes as a shock. For my part I'm only human. If I wasn't, you could refer to me as Bob Almighty, and all our problems would be solved. Because I'm not Bob Almighty, I have to work on all our issues per a set of rules given to all the LadderOps. I don't always like those rules either, we just do our level best and trudge onward.
        : 2. We can't make everyone happy, we just try our best.
        : 3. We would not need rules at all if everyone made the effort to actually read and understand them as a whole, instead of selective interpretations that some members like to make of them.
        : 4. No one wants to play fair, because even in our little ladder world on WorldPlay, we all have our own agendas. Everyone says to have fun, but no one really wants to.

        : It is my general understanding that most of the members of this ladder are, chronologically speaking, adults. There are times, and sadly too many of them, where I think most of us, myself included, haven't developed emotionally past, oh say, kindergarten. That is probably not an Op like thing to say to all of you who were kind enough to vote me in, but like I said, I've included myself in the group. You can even argue that this post is my decent into emotional kindergarten.

        : To DrunkonGin, GinJohn, Iidontgiveadam, and all the others who would like to see changes in the rules, I DO get it. I have not forgotten my promise to bring up suggestions with the rest of our Op team for this ladder. There are specific reasons why this has not been done yet, and those reasons do not need to be made public, except to say that often the real world takes precedence over our little community at times. But you have my promise, it is the best I can give you.

        : If you are all still awake :) thanks for your time reading this. I'll forwarn you that from time to time I'll make replies like this. That's just me.

        : Thank you,
        : Bob

        : brazumich, LadderOp
        : Case's Ladder

        : (another rule - comes with the Kelly Green letters)


        I TRIED "LMAO"

        • Re: Well, like it or not, there is no Quick and Easy View
            by brazumich73 on February 20, 2003 at 10:10:24 PST

          >> I TRIED "LMAO" <<

          Cool, at least I've brightened someone's day.

          • Re: Well, like it or not, there is no Quick and Easy View
              by iidontgiveadam on February 20, 2003 at 12:33:16 PST

            : >> I TRIED "LMAO" <<

            : Cool, at least I've brightened someone's day.


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