Gin (eagin)

Message Forum


  • ATLANTIC CITY!!!! View
      by mariecpa1 on February 20, 2003 at 20:44:03 PST

    Let's try to get a count going to see who will be attending when we meet in Atlantic City. That way, we will have a better chance of planning for a hotel. Please answer this post so that we can get a count going. Thank you!!!
    • I'm in!!! View
        by Katt 6410 on February 25, 2003 at 05:11:04 PST

      I'm in!!!
    • Re: ATLANTIC CITY!!!! View
        by stolmanm on February 22, 2003 at 10:09:59 PST

      : Let's try to get a count going to see who will be attending when we meet in Atlantic City. That way, we will have a better chance of planning for a hotel. Please answer this post so that we can get a count going. Thank you!!!

      count me in char.

    • Re: ATLANTIC CITY!!!! View
        by ARealJen on February 22, 2003 at 03:59:56 PST

      Count me in!!!!!! Would LOVE to meet everyone. Keep me posted!

      Jen :)

    • Re: ATLANTIC CITY!!!! View
        by Frani Hope on February 22, 2003 at 01:13:48 PST

      I will be there. Let's have a live tourney where we won't get booted with Error Code 21 :)
    • Re: ATLANTIC CITY!!!! View
        by Tzny66 on February 21, 2003 at 07:22:36 PST

      : Let's try to get a count going to see who will be attending when we meet in Atlantic City. That way, we will have a better chance of planning for a hotel. Please answer this post so that we can get a count going. Thank you!!!

      hello yes i do plan on making the trip
      please keep me informed

      • Re: ATLANTIC CITY!!!! View
          by SCOTCHIE77 on February 21, 2003 at 13:24:02 PST

        : : Let's try to get a count going to see who will be attending when we meet in Atlantic City. That way, we will have a better chance of planning for a hotel. Please answer this post so that we can get a count going. Thank you!!!

        : hello yes i do plan on making the trip
        : please keep me informed
        : TONY

        • Re: ATLANTIC CITY!!!! View
            by SCOTCHIE77 on February 21, 2003 at 13:25:04 PST

          : : : Let's try to get a count going to see who will be attending when we meet in Atlantic City. That way, we will have a better chance of planning for a hotel. Please answer this post so that we can get a count going. Thank you!!!

          : : hello yes i do plan on making the trip
          : : please keep me informed
          : : TONY

          jplease keeep me informed ........would like to make the trip

          ron scotch

      • Re: ATLANTIC CITY!!!! View
          by SCOTCHIE77 on February 21, 2003 at 13:19:06 PST

        : : Let's try to get a count going to see who will be attending when we meet in Atlantic City. That way, we will have a better chance of planning for a hotel. Please answer this post so that we can get a count going. Thank you!!!

        : hello yes i do plan on making the trip
        : please keep me informed
        : TONY

        • Re: ATLANTIC CITY!!!! View
            by FyreEyes7 on February 22, 2003 at 13:05:16 PST

          Yes I do plan on attending...and I can't wait..........:) Georgia
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