Gin (eagin)

Message Forum


  • Worldplay Tech Supervisor View
      by drunkongin on March 2, 2003 at 11:26:54 PST

    Please send as many inquiries as we can to:

    That is one of the Technical Supervisors.

    Here is a copy of what I sent:

    I recently had an online conversation with Eugene in regard to the status of Worldplay Games.

    Over the past 12 months, this site have become very unreliable and is getting worse by the. It seems it is down more than up.

    I have had numerous conversations with the people at both EA and AOL in regard to this situation and I have received little or no responses on what is being done to fix the problem.

    The main reason I subscribe to AOL is to have the ability to access Worldplay Games. Sometime within the last year (maybe longer ), AOL made it a requirement that you needed to subscribe to AOL in order to access Worldplay Games.

    The majority of my inquiries go unresponded and I am looking to contact someone who can provide me with any feedback, whether it be positive or negative.

    Rumors have been circulating that Worldplay will be shutdown by the end of the summer, but this rumor has been going around for 3 or more years.

    Both EA & AOL have also expressed a lack of interest in making this site compatible with Windows XP & Nt.

    If someone took the time to send out a survey ranking the Internet games sites that are available they would probably be shocked.......

    AOL's Woldplay is the overwhelming choice as most user friendly and popular.
    It would also be noted that POGO would be considered the worst or least liked sited.

    If POGO had come out 1st then followed by Worldplay, AOL would have looked like a genius and won the hearts of many online card players. But the majority of the people look at POGO as a major set back for AOL.

    Since I use my AOL account 60% of the time to access Worldplay games (the remaining 40% for business) I have requested that the billing department issue me some sort of credit.

    I know many other either have or will be expressing the same concrens that I have done here.

    Any information you could supply would greatly be appreciated and I would gladly circulate among the gaming community.

    Thank you for your support.

    Looking forward to reading your response,

    • Re: Worldplay Tech Supervisor View
        by mariecpa1 on March 2, 2003 at 15:27:29 PST

      I have also sent an email to LoretoP. But, as hard as it is, we may have to start thinking about an alternate site at which to play. No one is happy anymore. This has gotten everyone so frustrated that people are leaving already. Even when it is working, there are only a few players in the rooms. We have a family here that we will not let them destroy. And we can't let it fall apart before we all meet in Atlantic City. Let's start coming up with alternate plans. We all need to stick together!!!
      • Re: Worldplay Tech Supervisor View
          by LCMPanache on March 2, 2003 at 17:19:23 PST

        : I have also sent an email to LoretoP. But, as hard as it is, we may have to start thinking about an alternate site at which to play. No one is happy anymore. This has gotten everyone so frustrated that people are leaving already. Even when it is working, there are only a few players in the rooms. We have a family here that we will not let them destroy. And we can't let it fall apart before we all meet in Atlantic City. Let's start coming up with alternate plans. We all need to stick together!!!

        • Re: Worldplay Tech Supervisor View
            by LCMPanache on March 2, 2003 at 17:21:59 PST

          oops...what I meant to say was...we haven't heard much from Case on this issue. I am paying every month to play here. Many of you are as well...what does Case have to say about the potential loss of revenue?
          • Re: Worldplay Tech Supervisor View
              by brazumich73 on March 2, 2003 at 18:56:44 PST

            There's a very good reason for that. Case and WorldPlay are two different entities. Case has no control over what a game site provider does with their software. If they did, there would still be ladders for Gin at Game Colony and WildCards, and we (and I am part of that we) who used to play at WON before it became Flipside would never have been chased off that site.

            A little bit of history, some of it alluded to by DrunkonGin's post at the beginning of this thread: At one time, anyone on the internet could play on WorldPlay game sites. At that time, this ladder had many more people than it does now, because it was not restricted to AOL members. Then, about a year ago, AOL, which owns WorldPlay, decreed that you needed to have an AOL account to play on WorldPlay. It was kinda fun for the first several months after that, as some of the more savvy among you kept finding back doors to allow access to WP without having an AOL account. Unfortunately, AOL, which also has savvy people, closed all those back doors, one by one. Now, if you aren't logged into AOL, you can't get to WorldPlay.

            In the past, Case has on occasion allowed players to transfer their ladder records to a new ladder when the old one has to "go away" because the host game site turns us away. That was certainly the case when Case's Ladder was evicted from playing on Flipside when they purchased WON. Of course, that does NOT mean it may happen again. As for accounts and revenue, Platinum and Diamond accounts can be moved from ladder to ladder. Gold members can also transfer their membership to another ladder; I believe that can be done once every 90 days. The loss of ladders from time to time is, I believe, part of doing business for Case's Ladder. I am sure that Senior Staff does not necessarily like it, but, as I noted at the beginning of my post, Case's Ladder is separate from the various game sites that ladders are set up for. Case has no influence on AOL/WorldPlay as to whether AOL works to keep WorldPlay as a viable entity or not. That is entirely up to all of us on the ladder that play at the site. I'm sorry that I don't have anything more encouraging to say about it.

            brazumich73, LadderOp
            Case's Ladder

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