- New rules in the Voting Booth! View
by brazumich73 on March 29, 2003 at 10:36:02 PST
Please check the Voting Booth link under Community on the left frame of our ladder page. We have two rules underconsideration that were put there today, March 29. One is a rule to clarify our guidelines for when you can make a Formal Challange. The other is a proposed rule to apply when players get booted from a match in WorldPlay. Please cast your vote for or against these proposals. They will be in the voting booth until April 12 (two weeks).Also, you have until Monday to vote on the older question about being able to move accounts to a different Gin ladder.
Thanks for your time. If you have any questions on the rule proposals, just let either PennyD5660 or myself know.
brazumich73, LadderOp
Case's Ladder- Re: New rules in the Voting Booth! View
by bearhoodar on March 30, 2003 at 05:45:32 PST
Hey gang~~~~If you don't vote on anything else please vote on the question of moving your account to another ladder. It looks like this one is going to continue to crash and burn, and I for one would like to option to move my account if I so choose. bearhoodar
- Re: New rules in the Voting Booth! View