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  • Apparent fee for WorldPlay games hoax View
      by brazumich73 on April 3, 2003 at 17:50:30 PST

    To all,

    Many of you (including your's truly) have received some emails regarding a charge to play on WorldPlay beginning April 5. If you have not already found out otherwise, this is a hoax and can be ignored. One of our members was told about this and, being the close community that we are, wanted the rest of us to know. We were all pretty much taken in by a rather unpleasent April Fools joke. I'm not mentioning any names because, hey, we found out it wasn't true, and that is the part that matters (well, to me, anyway). But if anyone had not yet heard the truth, I wanted to save some wailing and gnashing of teeth over it.

    Later folks,

    brazumich73, LadderOp
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