Gin (eagin)

Message Forum


  • Notes about the Account Move tool you should know View
      by brazumich73 on April 23, 2003 at 18:30:47 PDT

    I have already had to answer a couple of mails regarding the move tool. Some things you need to be clear on:

    1. Pay attention to the information on our main page. It tells exactly what you can and cannot do, and what happens when you use the tool. And remember, once you use it, it's for good.
    2. As per the proposition we all voted on, your membership can only be moved to another Case's Ladder. They can NOT be moved to a MyLeague ladder. If you wish to have your memory refreshed on that, select the Voting Booth link, and then select the link for the archive of previous topics. You will see the links for the move tool vote and you can see what we voted on there.
    3. Only the listed game stats and ladderbux will be moved. Unless I hear otherwise, no other premium items you might have for the ladder will be moved. That would include any tourney card information you may have earned on this ladder.

    If you have questions on how the tool works, or have any problems with the tool, please contact Case via the Support link, just like you have done for all other matters. Please do not mail Penny or me directly; your best bet for getting any questions answered and problems taken care of will be via the support link.

    I cannot speak for Penny (she is unavailable for the moment) but I will be remaining as a LadderOp for this ladder until a bit after the site is shut down to help you with the transition. Like the rest of you I will shop for a new Gin home. Good luck all.


    brazumich73, LadderOp
    Case's Ladder

    • A personal clarification View
        by brazumich73 on April 24, 2003 at 18:06:11 PDT

      I received a comment off line that my statement in another post I made might be confusing or misleading:

      "I just wanted to be sure everyone else knew up front what they will get with the move tool, especially now that we (unfortunately) all have a reason to use it"

      I worded that badly. No one HAS to use the tool, it is there only if you want to use it. I apologize for any confusion that I might have caused.

      brazumich73, LadderOp
      Case's Ladder

    • Re: Notes about the Account Move tool you should know View
        by EBX0 on April 23, 2003 at 19:32:34 PDT

      Ok Bob, I got the hint...NO more e-mails....hahaha..who can i pester now????..if not YOU then WHOOOO???..I sure will miss your books..hehehe!!!!!


      • Re: Notes about the Account Move tool you should know View
          by brazumich73 on April 24, 2003 at 05:21:45 PDT

        Aww, you can email me anytime. I just wanted to be sure everyone else knew up front what they will get with the move tool, especially now that we (unfortunately) all have a reason to use it.

        Besides, you're the only person that sends mail with pink letters...

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