Gin (eagin)

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  • So Sad View
      by Katt 6410 on April 26, 2003 at 07:04:34 PDT

    No words can express the sadness I feel. Worldplay is history and our ladder as well. Over the years I have met many people and meeting and playing together was a daily routine. I woke up to gin and went to bed with gin. It was very intimate and almost like family. Even through the bad times -- I always found myself coming back to play and forgiving the nasties I found along the way. I have done what I could to keep us together--don't think I succeeded--but at least I TRIED!!!! I know I will meet you in other gin sites but it will never be the same. I will remember Worldplay and my Gin Pals with affection and I know I will truly miss everyone dearly. So for the last time-- MEOW MEOW from the Katt. Smooches and the best to all of you!! With love Katt
    • Re: So Sad View
        by mariecpa1 on April 26, 2003 at 11:22:47 PDT

      Your post almost made me cry, Bina. I agree with Katt. The people on our ladder, well, most of them, were like a second family. We spent a lot of time together day after day, learning about each other and also being there for each other.

      I have met some extraordinary people on this ladder. This weekend showed me just how extraordinary. My son and I came to NYC on Wednesday. When I got here, I hurt my ankle, only to later find out that it was broken. Katt, AB5X60 and other half, Giovanna, and Schmeck and other half and my son and I went out to dinner. We had a wonderful time seeing each other and I was not surprised by anyone. Katt made me a doctor's appointment for my ankle. AB called me to check up on me a number of times and gave me a cane he had to use. Giovanna sat with me at the doctor's office and took my son shopping for t-shirts and then took me to get crutches. These people on this ladder are amazing and I will never forget them. YOU ARE ALL THE BEST!!

      I will play at all of the new ladders because I don't want to lose any of you. Please keep in touch!

      • Re: So Sad View
          by bearhoodar1 on April 30, 2003 at 21:48:34 PDT

        : Your post almost made me cry, Bina. I agree with Katt. The people on our ladder, well, most of them, were like a second family. We spent a lot of time together day after day, learning about each other and also being there for each other.

        : I have met some extraordinary people on this ladder. This weekend showed me just how extraordinary. My son and I came to NYC on Wednesday. When I got here, I hurt my ankle, only to later find out that it was broken. Katt, AB5X60 and other half, Giovanna, and Schmeck and other half and my son and I went out to dinner. We had a wonderful time seeing each other and I was not surprised by anyone. Katt made me a doctor's appointment for my ankle. AB called me to check up on me a number of times and gave me a cane he had to use. Giovanna sat with me at the doctor's office and took my son shopping for t-shirts and then took me to get crutches. These people on this ladder are amazing and I will never forget them. YOU ARE ALL THE BEST!!

        : I will play at all of the new ladders because I don't want to lose any of you. Please keep in touch!

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