Tiger Woods 99 Pro (eatiger)

Message Forum


  • wow.. Good to see Sliver back after over two years.. lol View
      by Guppy2 on February 8, 2006 at 10:24:09 PST

    • Re: wow.. Good to see Sliver back after over two years.. lol View
        by Bob S on February 9, 2006 at 19:07:56 PST

      yeah Gup, whats even funnier is the fact that somebody would post a guy that hasn't played in 3 years in order to gain a spot, with only 3 guys active. Funnier yet is that when he goes back he'll have high rank attained #2 because he didn't beat anybody for the spot. Guess 99 really has finally died, but oh well, it had to happen sooner or later. Nice knowin y'all... well, most of ya's.

    • Re: wow.. Good to see Sliver back after over two years.. lol View
        by cantona on February 9, 2006 at 15:44:06 PST

      lmao guppy u a funnie bstard haha

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