Tiger Woods 99 Pro (eatiger)

Message Forum


  • yo ho'z komo is back View
      by Komodo@@Dragon on November 7, 2004 at 12:05:35 PST

    some1 needz to get me back on kali pls tell me how to get tiger back on kali & what room u foolz r N


    Native & bongerz biggest fan



    • Re: yo ho'z komo is back View
        by suds on November 7, 2004 at 12:50:56 PST

      higha mr dragon u out on parole???
      msn me i think i can be of some assistance in helping with your rehabilitation. Not easy adjustin 2 civilisation again msn=sudsytumble@hotmail.com
      lemmie know if we can sort this out i wont hold ur criminal record against heck i dont care wat u did 2 that old lady
    • Re: yo ho'z komo is back View
        by Komodo@@Dragon on November 7, 2004 at 12:49:46 PST

      : some1 needz to get me back on kali pls tell me how to get tiger back on kali & what room u foolz r N

      : lmaooooooo

      : Native & bongerz biggest fan
      : Komo


      : :)

      i got online guyz thx anyway see ya out on the green leafz lmaooooooo

      native & bongerz biggest fan


    • Re: yo ho'z komo is back View
        by Desperado on November 7, 2004 at 12:49:01 PST

      : some1 needz to get me back on kali pls tell me how to get tiger back on kali & what room u foolz r N

      : lmaooooooo

      : Native & bongerz biggest fan
      : Komo
      : Wassssupppp??? hey Add me to Msn I will help.. adtguy@hotmail.com


      : :)

      • Re: yo ho'z komo is back View
          by rainman on November 8, 2004 at 13:27:34 PST

        well thats it i quit

        • Re: yo ho'z komo is back View
            by oaklandhills on November 9, 2004 at 07:50:36 PST

          : well thats it i quit

          since when did rainman become the forum hater Your 16 years old for fckin christ sakes. You were a pretty laid back guy I knew and use to talk to on a regular basis. Now you stopped playing and become the almighty forum %#&@*^$$. Dont get me wrong forum humor is fun and and adds to what this game has become and, what this ladder is about but for christ sakes shutup . I mean he was a good friend of mine Im just wondering if its the same guy I knew cause this rainman has alot to say. Guess im just confused why he talks so much crap now not the same guy I once knew. Atleast if your gonna talk to smack atleast prove it on the links you must talk smack since you lost your skills in my opinion thats what it looks like.

          [Post automatically censored for profanity]

        • Re: yo ho'z komo is back View
            by Komodo@@Dragon on November 8, 2004 at 21:53:02 PST

          : well thats it i quit


          below me rain hehehehhe


          native & bongerz biggest fan


          • Re: yo ho'z komo is back View
              by gar on November 10, 2004 at 18:36:37 PST

            : : well thats it i quit

            : lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo

            : below me rain hehehehhe

            : :)

            : native & bongerz biggest fan
            : Komo


            komo my main ho....sap sap sap ol'Pardo give me a shout b& we'll get nipplz up & perky again......

            • Re: yo ho'z komo is back View
                by Komodo@@Dragon on November 10, 2004 at 22:34:50 PST

              : : : well thats it i quit

              : :
              : : lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo

              : : below me rain hehehehhe

              : : :)

              : :
              : : native & bongerz biggest fan
              : : Komo

              : : GO SKINZZZZZZZZZZZZ

              : komo my main ho....sap sap sap ol'Pardo give me a shout b& we'll get nipplz up & perky again......

              soundz like a plan b how ya been
              been so fckn long i mizzed all my main ho'z
              howz my lil garrrrrrrth brookz been lmaooooooooooooooooo
              try & bee on after midnight i dont get home til then from the hard azzzzz work & not enough pay lolol

              hope to see my cheap azzzzzzz ho real soon bro

              native & bongerz biggest fan


              • Re: yo ho'z komo is back View
                  by nostrodomas on November 5, 2005 at 17:26:14 PST

                You all still suck... I can still beat you two with a broken finger.....ahahahaha

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