NO accusing others of cheating in or out of the league. This includes but is not limited to directly/indirectly pointing fingers at others with snide remarks and rude comments. This includes the above towards possible OR obvious automated programs/BOTS in the room.
NO verbal abuse towards any staff or any players
There will be NO profanity of any kind. These are not uncensored rooms. Careful with the sexual innuendos!
There will be NO discussion of POLITICS or RELIGION in the lobby at any time.
If you have a problem, dispute, complaint or suggestion, contact Administration. The rooms and the chat box is not the place!
If you are not in the room when the tour starts and still not there by the end of the 1st, you will be removed before the start of the 2nd. If you get booted, you have until the final round to return. If not back, you will be removed before the final round begins.
Posting early is irrelevant. Wins are based on high score at the end of the game. (excluding specials where score isn't the object).
The chat box is for fun. Anyone abusing the chat box by posting complaints or to bash others will be banned from using it.
It is your responsibility, as players, to announce the winners of your pair. Its the hosts job to verify it. If you do not call out your winners, its not on us, as hosts, if your wins are wrong. So, to be fair, at the end of every round, announce your winners and the host will verify it twice. If it has not been validated, there will be no corrections made.
1st Offense: Written and/or Verbal Warning 2nd Offense: Boxed for 3-5 days 3rd Offense: Kicked from the league! Administration reserves the right to remove a member from the league without three offenses if deemed necessary.
Above all, have fun, relax, kick back, and enjoy the games with your Forever Friends! That's why we're here!