Message Forum


  • What a awesome League n Happy Birthday Forevers!!! View
      by Sagebade on March 21, 2011 at 04:40:58 PDT

    Hi Jan,
    I am a noob here in foreverspades but don't feel like one you have managed to create a family league that allows all to come and just have a awesome time, tossin out a joke here or a teasin remark there but always clean and basicly drama free bringin laughter and fun and there is nothin better then that to uplife someone's life when maybe times are hard in RL. 8 years wow you really knew what you was doing when pickin the one's whom would have ya back n make the league look like a piece of cake to run but its hard work time consumin without a good staff it woulda fail'd so I also want to say thank you to those who deal with the runnin of the league be it the admin's or the hard workin TD's who selflessly work to bring us the members a place to come and play I also would like to bring up how welcoming all admin, staff, and long time members was to Me when I first arrived and pard Me in tours and being a noob in a league that dont happen often so cheers to you Jan for a great job done and to all the staff. ok shutin up yeah yeah I talk to much, grins see yall in the lobby.
    • What a awesome League n Happy Birthday Forevers!!! View
        by Sagebade on March 21, 2011 at 05:04:50 PDT

      Hi Jan, I am a noob here in foreverspades but don't feel like one you have managed to create a family league that allows all to come and just have a awesome time, tossin out a joke here or a teasin remark there but always clean and basicly drama free bringin laughter and fun and there is nothin better then that to uplife someone's life when maybe times are hard in RL. 8 years wow you really knew what you was doing when pickin the one's whom would have ya back n make the league look like a piece of cake to run but its hard work time consumin without a good staff it woulda fail'd so I also want to say thank you to those who deal with the runnin of the league be it the admin's or the hard workin TD's who selflessly work to bring us the members a place to come and play I also would like to bring up how welcoming all admin, staff, and long time members was to Me when I first arrived and pard Me in tours and being a noob in a league that dont happen often so cheers to you Jan for a great job done and to all the staff. ok shutin up yeah yeah I talk to much, grins see yall in the lobby.Sagebade

Tournament Time EST
Safe Harbor Games
Now playing at Safe Harbor Games
League Admins
sultry (Head Admin)  
twisted_lady_69 (Specials)  
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1 TD Donation (7500)
Cases Arcade May the Luck of the Irish be with You Badge (100000)
14 n 1 Stainless Steel Multitool (5901000)
Cases Arcade May the Luck of the Irish be with You Badge (100000)
1 TD Donation (7500)

Over $4,904,800.00 worth of prizes awarded so far!
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