- tourmania stats View
by rainbow_star_posting on June 12, 2011 at 11:58:40 PDT
Tourmania stats:
We had 97 members playin 20 - 2 vs 2 tours and 4 - 1 vs 1 tours for total of 24 tours in 24 hours and 8 TDs(now requesting additional pay lol) for a really great event.
We had 50000 total buxs in TDDs and bounties!! Awesome job everyone!!Top 5 players:
high_jacked123 played 19 tours
maggy1035 played 12 tours
bobbynethery played 11 tours
spadecrazyme played 8 tours
qnemesis1972 played 8 tourswon most tours:
hotrod_117 won 3 tours
maggy1035 won 3 tours
spadecrazyme won 3 toursThank you to all the members and TDs who helped make this tourmania fun. huggsss
to each of you tyty........Char