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by mr.mad_skillz on December 16, 2012 at 20:29:24 PST
sorry but a friend has been diagnosted with cancer in her liver and i wont be online for quite some time as i am leaving to take care of her please dont purge me as i WILL return someday- Re: mia View
by beauty_with_desire5 on December 19, 2012 at 09:29:42 PST
Sorry your friend is going thru this and We hope for the best for your friend and Hope you can come back to us soon. Take care of yourself as you take care of your friend.As far as purge, we have a purge of 120 days and is automatic with Cases. We don't purge anyone ourselves. Hope that you can come by sometime during that 120 days and be active in one tourney, otherwise if you do purge you can rejoin to open arms from Forevers!
Best Wishes!!: sorry but a friend has been diagnosted with cancer in her liver and i wont be online for quite some time as i am leaving to take care of her please dont purge me as i WILL return someday
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by lemon_drop_gum_pop on December 17, 2012 at 15:27:27 PST
That is a beautiful thing that you are doing mr.mad_skillz will say prayers for your friend. Some people like to have the first name when prayer request are given so if you are okay with leaving her first name if not we will still pray for her and for you to have the strength you need to help her.
sorry but a friend has been diagnosted with cancer in her liver and i wont be online for quite some time as i am leaving to take care of her please dont purge me as i WILL return someday
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