- Tournamania Statistics - by rainbow_star_dreamer View
by jm468 on January 14, 2013 at 19:19:53 PST
Tournamania Statistics by Char aka rainbow_star_dreamer:
Congrats to lin_ben1959 for playing all 25 tours. Linda earned 5000 buxs for playing
at least 20 tours, won a Tourmania Mug and 3000 buxs as being our only member
playing in all tours.
Congrats to muffginter playing 23 tours and Slacker4Spades
playing 21 tours and each earned 5000 buxs for playing at least 20 tours,
and each won a Tourmania Mug.
lin_ben1959 earned a $20.00 1st place gift card for losing the
most tours being 24.
Brian earned 2500 buxs and a $5 2nd place gifft card losing 19
Sage earned 2000 buxs and a $5 2nd place gift card losing 17 tours.
Gatercountry earned 2000 buxs and a $5 2nd place gift card losing 16 tours.
Irislady7701 and mouse_feathers_2 earned 1500 buxs and a $5 2nd place card losing
15 tours.
muffginter and Slacker4Spades also earned 2000 buxs and $10 1st place gift card for
the most wins of 4 tours.
whatistrump2000, rainbow_star_dreamer, and txcarla03 earned
2000 buxs each and a $5 2nd place gift cards for 3 wins each.
For playing in at least 20 tours was lin_ben1959, muffginter, and Slacker4Spades
earning 5000 buxs,
For playing in at least 15 tours was gatercountry, irislady7701,
l3utterfliqueen, mouse_feathers_2 and rainbow_star_dreamer.
For playing in at least 12 tours was whatistrump2000, txcarla03, spadecrazyme, and kool2win1 earning
2000 buxs.
For playing in at least 10 tours and earning 1000 buxs was weezee_is_me, lucky201333 and ldiot_pring_charming.
A total of 62,000 buxs was gifted in Tourmania and 1-$20.00 gift card, 2-$10.00 gift
cards, and 7-$5.00 gift cards and 3 Tourmania Mugs.
Thank you to jm468, witchypoo8,
iwant2ridemyharley, chocogramof8, mouse_feathers_2, forevers_teddy_bear, jzimmie99,
lemon_drop_gum_drop, and rainbow_star_dreamer for donations.
We had 25 tours played Jan. 12th-6 pm thru Jan 13th-5 pm with 99 different members playing.
Thank you to all the TDs who helped host and watch tables and to all the members
for playing and your patience. Thank you for supporting Foreverspades League and
helping to make January 2013 Tourmania a huge success.
Next Tourmania is June 2013!