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  • Mardi Gras Masquerade Winners and Who Was Who View
      by magicman_vii on February 13, 2013 at 08:39:52 PST

    We had a huge turnout with 24 teams in tour and had 21 masquerade idslist of IDs in tour and who was .........................lemon_drop_gum_dropI_Barry_McKokiner...................kahne945throwin_beads_show_me_ur_trumps.........................................mouse_feathers_2zydeccopsycho.....................dawife2009ShowMeDemBigAmericanBreasteses00..muffginterigotyabeadsswinging.............thedoors1974suicide_diva_thunderbird66..........................................rainbow_star_dreamerSha_Montier_ Faux............forevers_myemyeallonsy2davieuxcarry4dazydeco....lucky201331King Cake2013...................txshelly2012lemme_lay_down_bayou_baby........jobaby_hereburbonst.pimp...................six_x_champsthelma_not_louise...............crabby maggythe_mardi_gras_flaw......ray_18_wheel_pilot2bourbon_street_bead_dazzler......dizzierdaridum_vivimus_vivamus0000.......slacker4spadesflashing_for_beads voted best actor andawarded 2000 buxs BurbonSt.Hooker voted 2nd place best actor and awarded 1500 buxslemme_lay_down_bayou_baby voted best created theme ID and awarded 2000 buxsSha_Montier_ Faux voted incorrectly the most, thought to be jm468, King Cake2013 voted incorrectly the most, thought to be forevers_alex, lemme_lay_down_bayou_baby voted incorrectly the most, thought to be Idiot_prince_charming and each awarded 1000 buxsWinners of tour was innocent5454 and suicide_diva_thunderbird66 splitting 5000 buxs.Thank you Renne, Carol, Maggy, Jan, and Carla for your help with IDs, hosting TD, taking votes, and reporting matches with this special tour.

    • Mardi Gras Masquerade Winners and Who Was Who View
        by magicman_vii on February 13, 2013 at 08:41:59 PST

      I have played in many masquerade tours over the years
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