Message Forum


  • Grats on 10 years View
      by latemodelray on March 17, 2013 at 07:14:05 PDT

    I just wanted to commend Jan for the wonderful job she has done in starting and bringing this league to be what it has become today

    Just imagine in finals of a reg turny me my then p Bite vs lady_jm {jan} and her then p Rick-er .... a league administrator pops in to table and says we must stop the game .... cant recall all the details but i do recall d0_what_baby telling Jan that if she didn't like the way things were done to make her own league .... several headaches later and we are here

    She has been able to create a league that has stability i have seen 100 leagues come and goes and this one not only survives it continues to improve

    i would just like to thank jan and the many others some still here some off to other endeavors that have been able to persevere and make Forever spades what it is today

Tournament Time EST
Safe Harbor Games
Now playing at Safe Harbor Games
League Admins
sultry (Head Admin)  
twisted_lady_69 (Specials)  
League Tips
Low on LadderBux? Ask your TDs to host some tournaments with no entry fees. Winners of those tournaments can still earn LadderBux.
LadderBux Redemptions
Cases Arcade May the Luck of the Irish be with You Badge (100000)
14 n 1 Stainless Steel Multitool (5901000)
Cases Arcade May the Luck of the Irish be with You Badge (100000)
1 TD Donation (7500)
Silver Tortoise Pendent (100000)

Over $4,904,750.00 worth of prizes awarded so far!
Click here to view available prizes!
Tournament Director
Interested in becoming a tournament director for the League? Click here for the application and more information!