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  • Whose Kitty? Winners 2013 View
      by rainbow_star_dreamer on October 31, 2013 at 21:23:38 PDT

    I would like to thank airforceairborne sending in Kitty Kitty (cat C), crabby_maggy sending in ittybittypussinbootswhitepawslady (cat A), jigglymelons27 sending in Daisy (cat B), l3utterfliqueen sending in Spookie (cat H), playwith2win sending in Big Al (cat E) and rainbow_star_dreamer sending in Foxie (cat D), Luna (cat F), Tilly (cat G), Thomas (cat I), and Sylvie (cat J).
    Thank you to the 8 members who voted Whose Kitty?
    Congrats to :
    crabby_maggy correctly guessed 5 cats winning 500 buxs
    yogi_yogi_bear54 correctly guessed 5 cats winning 500 buxs
    jigglymelons27 correctly guessed 2 cats winning 200 buxs
    airforceairborne correctly guessed 2 cats winning 200 buxs
    duger1958 correctly guessed 1 cat winning 100 buxs
    twuckerbuddy correctly guessed 1 cat winning 100 buxs
    Thank you to all who played in tour and voted and submitted pictures.
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