- Courtesy and respect by host View
by _Striker_ on August 23, 2014 at 15:27:15 PDT
Not calling any names here but also seems to me for most part theres one td (Bell) that seems to want to disrespect any player whom he chooses and as well as do as he wants an try and make rules to suit him self even in others tds turneys, stalling games , any thing he so desires to disrupt a turney , and agrivate players . Totally unacceptable of a host by his own chosing- Re: Courtesy and respect by host View
by Beauty on August 24, 2014 at 05:25:53 PDT
When there is an issue with a td/host and you don't want to ask them about it or want it handled differently please email our td manager the email is on the right side of the main league page .. tdmanager.foreverspades@yahoo.com. Char aka Rainbow is our td manager and will gladly help with any issues involving a td.
Have a great day!: Not calling any names here but also seems to me for most part theres one td (Bell) that seems to want to disrespect any player whom he chooses and as well as do as he wants an try and make rules to suit him self even in others tds turneys, stalling games , any thing he so desires to disrupt a turney , and agrivate players . Totally unacceptable of a host by his own chosing
- Re: Courtesy and respect by host View