Message Forum


  • Forevers_Lace Address View
      by Forevers_Char on November 7, 2017 at 19:36:52 PST

    Many of our members have asked for address to contact Forevers_Lace aka Hanna during her treatments and to support her with Stage 4 Cancer. Please keep her in prayers.

    Hannelore Brown
    P.O. Box 583
    Rockwell, NC 28138

    Lots of love and support during this fight but with God all things are possible. Never give up Hanna. We love you!

    • from Hanna View
        by Forevers_Char on November 8, 2017 at 19:34:05 PST

      Dear Char

      A good friend is hard to find. And although we haven’t known or seen, I want to thank you for your act of kindness during my last few weeks You not only gave me your shoulder to cry on, but you patiently, and without judgment, listened to me ramble on and on as I tried to sort things out. This week I reached a turning point, and my outlook is now much brighter. I will always remember the sweet friendship you extended to me when I needed it most. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and time and support and a BIG THANK YOU to all of you ForeverSpades Friends you all ....xoxoxo

      Forevers_Lace aka Hanna

Tournament Time EST
Safe Harbor Games
Now playing at Safe Harbor Games
League Admins
sultry (Head Admin)  
twisted_lady_69 (Specials)  
League Tips
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LadderBux Redemptions
1 TD Donation (7500)
Cases Arcade May the Luck of the Irish be with You Badge (100000)
14 n 1 Stainless Steel Multitool (5901000)
Cases Arcade May the Luck of the Irish be with You Badge (100000)
1 TD Donation (7500)

Over $4,904,800.00 worth of prizes awarded so far!
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