- OK Party TRY THIS!!!! View
by ms_daisy on April 16, 2009 at 21:07:53 PDT
Go to your start, then find search in the search box put C:WINDOWS32driversetc this will bring up HOST file...then double click on Host file this will open up a window look for notepad in this window choose it. Now below the last line type in hoylegames.sierra.com. all on the same linewith a space between hoyegames and the 3. Now when you go to close this window choose to SAVE it. Good Luck!!! Ms_Daisy- OK I'M DUMB View
by party_crasher123 on April 17, 2009 at 20:30:36 PDT
After I got done whining and crying, kicking and screaming, I actually tried Fan's latest fix, and, Hey! it worked.Thanks ALL
- Re: OK Party TRY THIS!!!! View
by hustlerdt on April 17, 2009 at 11:48:40 PDT
: Go to your start, then find search in the search box put C:WINDOWS32driversetc this will bring up HOST file...then double click on Host file this will open up a window look for notepad in this window choose it. Now below the last line type in hoylegames.sierra.com. all on the same linewith a space between hoyegames and the 3. Now when you go to close this window choose to SAVE it. Good Luck!!! Ms_Daisy- Re: OK Party TRY THIS!!!! View
by hustlerdt on April 17, 2009 at 11:51:06 PDT
: : Go to your start, then find search in the search box put C:WINDOWS32driversetc this will bring up HOST file...then double click on Host file this will open up a window look for notepad in this window choose it. Now below the last line type in hoylegames.sierra.com. all on the same linewith a space between hoyegames and the 3. Now when you go to close this window choose to SAVE it. Good Luck!!! Ms_DaisyI have been trying this for an hour and I can not get it going. I get to search and type in the file C:windows32driversetc and it tells me it cant find it--"Help"
- Re: OK Party TRY THIS!!!! View
by Katt6410 on April 17, 2009 at 12:43:02 PDT
Right click on Start
Left click Explore
Left click Windows
Left click 32
Left click drivers
double click etc
double click hosts
double click notepadadd this to the bottom of the page: hoylegames.sierra.com
save changes
: : : Go to your start, then find search in the search box put C:WINDOWS32driversetc this will bring up HOST file...then double click on Host file this will open up a window look for notepad in this window choose it. Now below the last line type in hoylegames.sierra.com. all on the same linewith a space between hoyegames and the 3. Now when you go to close this window choose to SAVE it. Good Luck!!! Ms_Daisy
: I have been trying this for an hour and I can not get it going. I get to search and type in the file C:windows32driversetc and it tells me it cant find it--"Help"
- Re: OK Party TRY THIS!!!! View
- Re: OK Party TRY THIS!!!! View
- OK I'M DUMB View