- A few questions View
by meme on April 18, 2009 at 01:08:36 PDT
While trying numerous times to use the fix listed in this Forum to get back into the rooms,and still being unsucessful. I have found time to browse through every category on the main page, I have found myself pondering a few situations.
1.) Why are there not any tournaments being scheduled for those who play on this site?
2.) I have noticed that there are numerous players who have been inactive for at least 21 days yet these players have not been purged for inactivity.
3.) Why is it that this site unlike others is experienceing so many problems that interferes with the ability of people to play on this site.
4.) Is Hoyle in more trouble than they are admitting to or is this by some chance one the biggest instances of coincidental problems I have seen.
I can appreciate the loyalty of some players and their positions at this site such as Katt or Fan and a couple of others who answer to most everything in this forum. However I have to wonder why is it that actual employees of Hoyle haven't come to the forefront and responded or assured its players of the situation taking place. Is it that Hoyle maybe in bigger trouble than they wish to admit to? Next when will the site actually begin the pay to play plan? And in view of all the above is it truly worth staying here to play. I am giving this a great deal of consideration and would appreciate a response maybe from an actual employee.
Thank you for providing this forum so that I can ask these questions
meme- Re: A few questions View
by fantasia_sf on April 18, 2009 at 06:10:33 PDT
"However I have to wonder why is it that actual employees of Hoyle haven't come to the forefront and responded or assured its players of the situation taking place. Is it that Hoyle maybe in bigger trouble than they wish to admit to?.... I am giving this a great deal of consideration and would appreciate a response maybe from an actual employee."You have every right to demand that an actual employee come up and answer your questions and I am going to give you the opportunity to ask those questions directly to an employee of the company that actually owns the Hoyle Online site. After all when you want the correct answers you go directly to the horse's mouth.
- Re: A few questions View