Gin (fsgin)

Message Forum


  • Ren Games View
      by villa on April 21, 2009 at 03:17:02 PDT

    Assuming that we move to Ren games, which room there will we play at? There are a number of "social rated rooms" as well as
    "gin cases ladder" etc etc......
    • We play in the Case Ladder and Tourney Rooms View
        by Katt6410 on April 21, 2009 at 06:41:25 PDT

      : Assuming that we move to Ren games, which room there will we play at? There are a number of "social rated rooms" as well as
      : "gin cases ladder" etc etc......

    • Info... View
        by divinemaniac on April 21, 2009 at 03:55:26 PDT

      Hi Villa,

      It's not the same address as fsgin... you would have to change the fsgin to rengin at the end of the address. There are 2 Case rooms there at the bottom of the Gin Rummy page. 1 is for Ladder and the other for Tourney, and are both labeled as such. Good Luck!


      • Re: Info... View
          by villa on April 21, 2009 at 04:10:54 PDT

        ok got it thanks. Signed up for that site too and at the moment in the case room waiting for someone else to come in.
    • Re: Ren Games View
        by villa on April 21, 2009 at 03:25:10 PDT

      further, do we still use as the site
      for reporting etc?
      Confusing to say the least lol
      • Re: Ren Games View
          by StamperPam on April 21, 2009 at 04:31:10 PDT

        : Hi Villa, I have been at rengames for some time now. You go to for all case news and reporting and forums, etc. It looks almost exactly like this site, which is why it is confusing. You can get to the game rooms from the link on main page there. Our rooms are the case ladder and case tourney rooms at the bottom, but you will find some also go to the social rooms to play. You can play their but just don't report any losses if you play there. Only games in the bottom two rooms are our ladder. Hope this helps you and others. Welcome

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