Pinochle (fspino)

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  • Battle of the Leagues View
      by mongoose_jnco2 on November 4, 2004 at 14:46:34 PST

    Hi All:)

    I’m having a Battle of the Leagues on Nov 6th at 8 pm. We will be playing in the Adv 4.

    To play in the tourney please e mail me with your Ladder name and partner’s Ladder name, I will also need your ladder/league site. This tourney will be done on paper and is a non ladder stats tourney. There is no entry fee for this tourney

    The rules for this tourney are:

    Mongoose's Battle of the Leagues Pinochle Tourney

    1.Games to 500

    2. New Tables Every round

    3. If you are not playing on a table please stay off it.

    4. Top team sets table 20 min extra score UNRATED. PROTECTED UNLESS TD SAYS OTHERWISE. Creating a private table without permission could result in disqualification. You have 10 min to start games once parings are up.

    5. Boot Rule

    Each player has a boot time of 10 minutes per game, each player can be off the table 4 times and each team a max of 7 times per game. Any player or team exceeding these limits will be disqualified. The timer for the boot will start when the TD or ASSISTANT arrives at the table and announces the time.

    6. No subs.

    7. Teammates have to be from the same ladder/league. They do not have to be form the same team, for team ladders/leagues.

    8. All pagers and ICQs are to be disconnected. Any Private messages at the tables once the game has started is considered cheating and will result in disqualification. The only exceptions to this rule are Head Tds and Ladder Op who are required to keep them on by Case.

    9. All Case Ladder rules and Yahoo rules are in affect.

    10. Boston Rule

    Pulling all 50 counters is called a Boston. Any team pulling a Boston wins the game as long as they took the bid and saved. Before you play the 20th card Please invite the TD to see the last card played, This is so the TD can varify the Boston.

    11. All players will abide by the decisions of the Tournament Director.

    12. This is a Nonladderstats tournament. The team will only report the loss of the tournament match to the TD.
    This is a Paper tourney.

    13. No Kibitzing, kibitzing will end in a DQ for player/team doing it.

    15. Most important, remember that this is a game and games are supposed to be fun. So have FUN!!! :o)

    Thank you for your time,

    mongoose__jnco2, TD Manager

    Case‘s Ladder

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