Gin (gdgin)

Message Forum


  • Thank you for the Tourneys View
      by thedogmans on May 17, 2005 at 16:59:29 PDT

    I would like to thank all the hard working TDs & HTDs who give up there time making tourneys for us to play in.

    They must spend hours each week working on the pages & putting rules in so we know what we are playing.

    It is such a pitty that players who are afraid of loseing a few points off there room ratings do not bother keeping to the rules set on the rules pages & when the hard working TDs point it out to them they ether get ignred or abused.

    • well said !! nt View
        by alienkismet on May 17, 2005 at 17:04:14 PDT

      : I would like to thank all the hard working TDs & HTDs who give up there time making tourneys for us to play in.

      : They must spend hours each week working on the pages & putting rules in so we know what we are playing.

      : It is such a pitty that players who are afraid of loseing a few points off there room ratings do not bother keeping to the rules set on the rules pages & when the hard working TDs point it out to them they ether get ignred or abused.

Tournament Time EDT
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Always Heart Pendant (100000)
Cases Arcade King of the Lanes Badge (100000)
Cases Arcade May the Luck of the Irish be with You Badge (100000)
1 TD Donation (7500)
Silver Karma Hammered Circle Necklace (352000)

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