Gin (gdgin)

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  • htd View
      by jimlee1944 on July 21, 2005 at 20:15:20 PDT

    any htd on this ladder should not be ranked in the top ten they are not allowed on other ladders so why here ??? also a htd should not be allowed to make up rules they should be up for a vote by the members

    • Re: htd View
        by BombyBarb on July 27, 2005 at 23:00:02 PDT

      : any htd on this ladder should not be ranked in the top ten they are not allowed on other ladders so why here ??? also a htd should not be allowed to make up rules they should be up for a vote by the member

      ? Jim where did you ever get that from about tds or htds can not be in the top 10. In my time as a tds or htd for cases ladders I have never seen a rule like that.

      And yes htds can do somethings with out votes and somethings we have to go to our tdm with and can not just do changes without him oking them..

    • Re: htd View
        by Zoneman on July 21, 2005 at 21:52:56 PDT

      I have to disagree with you jim about HTD's being ranked in the top 10. On ladders where you have 1,000+ players I can see how that rule is affective as it MAY be a conflict of interest, though I don't see how it could be. But on our small little ladder where we don't have as much movement, I see nothing wrong with a HTD being ranked in the top 10. It is also illegal for ladder ops to be ranked in the top 10 as well, but that rule is in affect for much larger ladders. As I stated we have a very small player base and if a LADDER OP, HTD, or TD are ranked in the top 10, I see nothing wrong with that, afterall I am currently #2 after your win over me earlier tonight dropped me from #1(gg btw). I recently wrote an op manager about the enforcement of LADDER-OPS being ranked in the top 10, just out of curiousity, because I know that rule is in affect for ladder-ops, and her response to me was that in our case of having such a small ladder with little movement, they do not enforce the rule that prohibits ladder ops from being in the top 10 unless it causes problems within the ladder structure, which it doesn't here. So I see nothing wrong with a HTD being ranked in the top 10, if a ladderop can be ranked then a HTD can be ranked, no matter what kind of rules they may come up with, whether we agree with them or not.
      • Re: htd View
          by BombyBarb on July 27, 2005 at 22:54:06 PDT

        : I have to disagree with you jim about HTD's being ranked in the top 10. On ladders where you have 1,000+ players I can see how that rule is affective as it MAY be a conflict of interest, though I don't see how it could be. But on our small little ladder where we don't have as much movement, I see nothing wrong with a HTD being ranked in the top 10. It is also illegal for ladder ops to be ranked in the top 10 as well, but that rule is in affect for much larger ladders. As I stated we have a very small player base and if a LADDER OP, HTD, or TD are ranked in the top 10, I see nothing wrong with that, afterall I am currently #2 after your win over me earlier tonight dropped me from #1(gg btw). I recently wrote an op manager about the enforcement of LADDER-OPS being ranked in the top 10, just out of curiousity, because I know that rule is in affect for ladder-ops, and her response to me was that in our case of having such a small ladder with little movement, they do not enforce the rule that prohibits ladder ops from being in the top 10 unless it causes problems within the ladder structure, which it doesn't here. So I see nothing wrong with a HTD being ranked in the top 10, if a ladderop can be ranked then a HTD can be ranked, no matter what kind of rules they may come up with, whether we agree with them or not.
        : Zone

        We are players also not just tds or htds and we pay to play just like everyone else and I dont think there is a rule about tds or htds not being able to be in top or even #1 until someone takes it away! And yes Ops are not to be in top 10 but guess in our cases being small its not a rule that is made in blood lol. I dont even understand the reason behind it tho.. cant see why they cant they pay to play also and work hard to win.. but its a cases thing. lol

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