Gin (gdgin)

Message Forum


  • who Is fantasia_sf View
      by tova123 on August 29, 2005 at 10:33:17 PDT

    Can someone please tell me who is this nice person who I keep seeing once in a while posting comics on our forum? but my question is why this person never join our tourneis sometimes too.
    • Re: who Is fantasia_sf View
        by bjrazumi73 on August 29, 2005 at 18:49:51 PDT

      I've always wondered myself why Fan posts the comics here. Actually, he is much more active as a player and participant on another Case ladder. If I remember ladder rules correctly, I am not allowed to note which ladder he spends the most time on for Gin. I do know that some of us that play here on Game Desire on a regular basis do so in part because he found out about this site when it was new, and the site that Fan prefers was having problems staying up.

      He does have his own web site, which I believe I can post, it is If I still remember how to do it, there will also be a link that works below this message.


      • Re: who Is fantasia_sf View
          by fantasia_sf on August 31, 2005 at 20:35:49 PDT

        You are right, I did find out about this site when my preferred site was down for a change. As a matter of fact I was the first one who became a member of this ladder and I was the first one who played a match here too with another fellow from my regular ladder, Benzo51. He also joined the same day I did and the site is a fine site but I really prefer the site that I play at because I've grown accustomed to the layout there. I belong to 4 gin ladders along with 2 Case Online ladders. As far as the comics go, I like to post them in the forums along with my Juke Box which are 2 of the 8 sites that I have created.
      • Can't read Tova's response of Aug. 31 View
          by bjrazumi73 on August 31, 2005 at 19:37:59 PDT


        For some reason I can't bring up your reply. Hopefully it was not deleted by the Ops. Probably a web error of some sort.


        • Re: Can't read Tova's response of Aug. 31 View
            by tova123 on September 1, 2005 at 02:51:59 PDT

          I was thanking you Bob for replying to my question.

      • Re: who Is fantasia_sf View
          by tova123 on August 31, 2005 at 06:52:21 PDT

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