Gin (gdgin)

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  • I am sorry everyone View
      by Zoneman on September 7, 2005 at 16:05:25 PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I just would like to apologize for not being here Monday night to host 3 tourneys I had set up for 915-10-11 pm. Mondays are usually the day I get stuck working overtime and I was also offered to work a double shift on a holiday, which meant triple-time pay, I was making a mere $72/hr. And I wasn't going to turn that down ... LOL ... and I would be willing to bet that most, if not anyone else would have turned that down either. It was last minute thing that I could not re-schedule my tourneys.

    I would like to thank SHY for helping out and hosting in my place :)

    Sorry guys that I wasn't there.


    • Re: I am sorry everyone View
        by MtNeerJK81 on September 7, 2005 at 23:01:28 PDT

      Zone, you have nothing to apologize for at all. Yourself and Shy do a fantastic job hosting tournaments for us all. Anybody who actually takes time to speak negatively about either of you two should really re-evaluate the reasons why they are here at all. We are all here to have fun, and you both provide us with that chance day in and day out. Your personal life needs to come first. Unfortunately there are individuals who don't understand the intricate idea known as "priorities". There is not a single person in their right mind who would choose a fun computer gin game over something that puts food on the table and pays the bills. If their is, I feel very sorry for them. You and Shy both have my total support and I thank you for all the time and effort you put into providing us with a chance to unwind after a hard day and have some fun! Keep up the great work!!


      : Hello everyone,
      : I just would like to apologize for not being here Monday night to host 3 tourneys I had set up for 915-10-11 pm. Mondays are usually the day I get stuck working overtime and I was also offered to work a double shift on a holiday, which meant triple-time pay, I was making a mere $72/hr. And I wasn't going to turn that down ... LOL ... and I would be willing to bet that most, if not anyone else would have turned that down either. It was last minute thing that I could not re-schedule my tourneys.

      : I would like to thank SHY for helping out and hosting in my place :)

      : Sorry guys that I wasn't there.

      : Zone

    • Re: I am sorry everyone View
        by ladyafolt on September 7, 2005 at 22:12:42 PDT

      dear michael;;;;

      this league would be lost without you,and I for one appreciate u and shy very much for all u do.


      • Re: I am sorry everyone View
          by Zoneman on September 7, 2005 at 22:34:34 PDT

        Hello Lady,

        Thank you for your support. I do everything in my power to give you guys some playing time and also to help Shy out as she does a ton of work for us.


    • Re: I am sorry everyone View
        by enenvee on September 7, 2005 at 20:58:19 PDT

      : Hello everyone,
      : I just would like to apologize for not being here Monday night to host 3 tourneys I had set up for 915-10-11 pm. Mondays are usually the day I get stuck working overtime and I was also offered to work a double shift on a holiday, which meant triple-time pay, I was making a mere $72/hr. And I wasn't going to turn that down ... LOL ... and I would be willing to bet that most, if not anyone else would have turned that down either. It was last minute thing that I could not re-schedule my tourneys.

      : I would like to thank SHY for helping out and hosting in my place :)

      : Sorry guys that I wasn't there.

      : Zone

      • Re: I am sorry everyone View
          by enenvee on September 7, 2005 at 21:03:07 PDT

        : : Hello everyone,
        : :
        : : I just would like to apologize for not being here Monday night to host 3 tourneys I had set up for 915-10-11 pm. Mondays are usually the day I get stuck working overtime and I was also offered to work a double shift on a holiday, which meant triple-time pay, I was making a mere $72/hr. And I wasn't going to turn that down ... LOL ... and I would be willing to bet that most, if not anyone else would have turned that down either. It was last minute thing that I could not re-schedule my tourneys.

        : : I would like to thank SHY for helping out and hosting in my place :)

        : : Sorry guys that I wasn't there.

        : : Zone

        Don't sweat it Zone. You spend a lot of your time running good tourneys for all of us. I'd be shocked if you got any negative reaction from anyone regarding missing hosting duties for a few tourneys when you had work obligations that prevented you from being there. I don't think anyone can expect you to make this ladder your entire life. So keep up the good work and don't let anyone else's negativity bring you down.

        Sorry about the double post by the way.

    • Re: I am sorry everyone View
        by tova123 on September 7, 2005 at 20:18:31 PDT

      Zone nice of you to thank shy for covering for you, she is realy there for everyone and she is there always to make pleasant tourneys for us at all time of day and night. So tell me Zone why could you not wait for her a few more minures so she can have a chance to play sometime too. was it such a big deal for you after all she cover up for you so many times, she should have a chance to play as well right. zone i was very disapointed of you for not giving her that minutes. Oh well I don't hold back i tell off wen I think it fit too and i don't cares about rules we never start on time anyway we always have to wait for players so why not wait for her? all she had to do is to reboot and she ask you to wait not nice zone.

      Hello everyone,
      : I just would like to apologize for not being here Monday night to host 3 tourneys I had set up for 915-10-11 pm. Mondays are usually the day I get stuck working overtime and I was also offered to work a double shift on a holiday, which meant triple-time pay, I was making a mere $72/hr. And I wasn't going to turn that down ... LOL ... and I would be willing to bet that most, if not anyone else would have turned that down either. It was last minute thing that I could not re-schedule my tourneys.

      : I would like to thank SHY for helping out and hosting in my place :)

      : Sorry guys that I wasn't there.

      : Zone

      • Re: I am sorry everyone View
          by Zoneman on September 7, 2005 at 21:20:34 PDT

        Hello tova,

        So much to respond to, let's start off with the statement "Shy has covered up for me so many times": Shy has had to cover my tournys on 2 occasions, once because I was having bad wheather and couldn't stay connected and the other occassion was because I had to work, if I don't work, my bills do not get paid. I have been a TD on 3 seperate occasions covering 8 months and have hosted over 250 tourneys, so to have a person cover for me twice is a pretty good percentage of tourneys that I have been able to make. Yes Shy is there for everyone whether she is playing or hosting, and does a great job, I wish we had 20 more people just like her. On the reverse side of that, I have had to cover for her on 2 occassions. That's what we do, it's our job as HTD's to cover for other TD's, that doesn't give her or me any extra perks when it comes to playing in a tournament. Second about what you said about waiting for Shy, or anyone else for that matter. Shy was in the toureny room 45 minutes before the start time of my 10 pm tourney, which gave her more than enough time to register. I was unaware of her computer problems until 5 minutes past the hour, thats when she said she was froze. I had 5 players in my 10 pm tourney, and I waited an additional 5 minutes. If you recall correctly, Shy made a comment that she could not do anything and that she had to reboot. How am I as a TD suppossed to know when she is able to get back online, register for a tourney, and get back to the room, it could have been another 10-15 minutes before she could register, and I can't justify waiting that long for a player, no matter who it may be. That is when I chose to close and start my tourney...10 minutes late. Is it fair for the other players to have to wait even though there are enough players to start? In my opinion, no it's not. Third, when you said every tourney starts late or never on time. I always start my tourenys on time, UNLESS I don't have enough players. Once I have 4, I start. Maybe other TD's start late, thats their choice, it's thier tourney. I am not any other TD, I start on time whenever possible, it's the way I was trained. It's something that I won't change, I will always start on time unless I don't have enough players. Not every player is willing to wait 5 or 10 minutes just so that another player can register, especially when that player is having computer problems. When I play, I never ask a TD to wait so I can register, because I, as a player, know the rules, and I definitly wouldn't ask a TD to wait for me if I had to reboot, it's not fair to the other players.

        I am sorry you feel like I wasn't a "team player", as you whispered those words to me, just because I didn't wait for another player, but rules are rules, and I follow them. I would have the support of any TDM as well on this. If you have any further comments or questions, I would appreciate it if you contacted me personally through IM chat or through e-mail. I do not appreciate being called out by you or any other player trying to make me look bad. I do what I can for you and every other player who plays here, and I go by the rules. When I screw up, I admit it and I am man enough to apologize. The only reason I am responding to your post is that I feel I have to defend myself so that other players don't think negativley towards me.

        Thank you,
        Michael ... Zoneman

        • Re: I am sorry everyone View
            by Zoneman on September 7, 2005 at 22:32:47 PDT

          I would like to add that your absolutely right tova, about Shy hosting all the time for everyone, afterall she has more time than I do. If I could host and play as much as her, I would do it in a hearbeat, because I love to host for you guys, playing is a distant second. On that note I would like to share a bit of my personal life to give you and everyone else an idea of how busy I am and how much of my spare time I devote to the players.

          Monday: 5am (cst) - wake up
          6am - clock in and go to work for Southwest Airlines
          2:30pm - regular shift ends and O.T. shift starts
          6:30pm - O.T. shift ends
          7:15 - get home and shower, eat, and get online
          8:15-11pm - host tourneys
          11:30 - in bed

          Tuesday: 5am - wake up
          6am-2:30pm - work
          3:15-5:30pm - take a nap
          5:30-6:30pm - shower and eat
          7:00-midnight - play in my shuffleboard league
          1am - hit the sack

          Wednesday: 5am - wake up
          6am-2:30pm - work
          3:15pm-5:30pm - naptime
          5:30-6:30pm - shower and eat
          7pm-1am - play in my pool league
          1:30am - bedtime

          Thursday: 5am-6:30pm - same as mon-wed
          7pm - get online
          8:15pm-11pm - host tourneys
          11:30-midnight - in bed

          Friday: 5am-midnight - same as thur

          Saturday: 9am - wake up, shower, and eat some grub
          10am-1pm - do laundry, clean, yardwork, I am a single man, I must do it all.
          1pm-4pm - get online and host some tourneys or play.
          5pm-7pm - personal time
          7pm-11pm - host more tourneys or play gin
          midnight - bedtime

          Sunday: 9am-midnight - ptretty close to the same as sat.

          That is pretty close to the way it is for me day after day, week after week. As you can see I try to devote as much time as I can to you, the players. My life is pretty busy, and as such, I host my tourneys the same way. I am very time-restricted and if it shows in how I host, I am sorry, but I am used to a rigid schedule, no matter if it's hosting tourneys or tending to my personal life. That is why I follow the rules and try to start my tourneys on time, every player knows the rules and most should know how I am. And if that is something that offends you, I am sorry, it's just the way I am.

          Thank you,

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